This page contains all posts with a sub-category of timeline for reference.

Seawalls: Thomas Peterson Nov 27 2018: City Council Items Not On Agenda

Seawalls: Thomas Peterson Nov 27 2018: City Council Items Not On Agenda

Thank you to homeowner Thomas Peterson for speaking up and going the extra mile to be heard! The regular City Council meeting have an agenda item for people to speak on "Items Not on the Agenda" Local resident raises concerns about Ischia Drive pilaster This is a way to be heard by all of your representatives plus staff! A Mandalay homeowner had...

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Due to the efforts of CIWHOA Board members and volunteers! Not all greenbelts will see change – many have been well cared-for and do not need enhancements. if you are a homeowner adjacent to a greenbelt, you and your neighbor across from you will be contacted by the City prior to work beginning in your greenbelt and you will be provided a couple...

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Annual Meeting 2018

Annual Meeting 2018

CHANNEL ISLANDS WATERFRONT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 10, 2018 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL MANDALAY BAY, OXNARD, CA Newsletter 2018 PDF Annual_Meeting_Minutes_02-10-18 Replacement Project Plant Proposal (Final) CIWHA_ANNUAL_MEETING_2-10-2018_Presentation If you have not yet paid your dues please do so now! 2018_HOA_DUES...

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Hydrographic Survey 4/3/2017 thru 5/5/2017

Hydrographic Survey to assess the requirements for dredging 4/3/2017 thru 5/5/2017 you may see boats wandering the channels and wonder what they are up to. Transystems and Fugro Pelagos, Inc will be performing the Hydrographic Survey to assess the requirements for dredging the channels north of the bridge at Channel Islands Blvd. This...

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Annual Meeting Feb 11 2017

Annual Meeting Feb 11 2017

Annual Meeting Information: CIWHA_ANNUAL_MEETING 2-11-2017_Presentation Annual_Meeting_Minutes_2-11-17 Channel_Islands_Waterfront_Homeowners_Annual_Meeting_Handout HOA_Dues_fillable_2017 Also see current Financial reports

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Status Update 12/21/16

A quick update on our progress on the West Hemlock repairs:Status Progress Report for West Hemlock Seawall Investigation and Pilot Program Seawall Field Investigation– Completed in October Geotech Field Investigation – Completed in October Geotech Lab Work - Completed in November Geotech Draft Report- Completed 12/19/16 Seawall Weep...

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November 2016 Seawall Update

The next two rounds of monitoring will take place in December 2016 and June 2017 The monitoring is when TranSystems measures degradation and assesses the conditions of walls and areas known to have issues as well as reviewing the area for potential new issues. Pilaster Repairs & Design Schedule: Field Measurements by 12/2/16 100% Plans by 1/13/17...

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October 2016: Seawall Projects Status Update

There are engineering design projects underway even though we still have not heard back ANY information regarding the solution to the long standing knowledge that our Assessment District does not collect enough money to fund the known repairs and maintenance projects that have been determined. Another maintenance project has also been added that...

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Maintenance Assessment Districts – work in progress

Maintenance Assessment Districts Our boundry map is included below - we are referenced as: Waterways Assessment District (Mandalay Bay) From the City of Oxnard The City of Oxnard (the “City”) has used Maintenance Assessment Districts (“Districts”) since the 1980’s to finance the installation and annual...

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Budget for Oxnard and assessment of assessment districts

SEE UPDATED INFORMATION: CLICK HERE Summer and Fall of 2015 UPDATED OCTOBER 27, 2015 City Council 2015 Meetings Click to view agendas and watch meetings live or view past meetings UPDATE: City Council to present October 27th 2015: OCT_27_2015-DOC102615-001 (PDF FROM THE CITY OF OXNARD: October 27th 2015 APPOINTMENT ITEMS – 6:15 P.M. Finance...

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Updates on Kingsbridge Way

This page will contain schedule updates as we get them! As this project nears the end please also see: Ongoing Maintenance Progress report October October The concrete has set and the frames removed. The docks will be replaced soon! COMPLETED John S. Meek Company is scheduled to mobilize the Barge on June 1, 2015. COMPLETED JSM will also start...

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Sewage Discharge: NEWS RELEASE June 19, 2015

The following was sent for posting: Click Here for Press release: 6_19_15_Sewage_Spill.pdf VENTURA, California – On June 18, 2015, the Ventura County Environmental Health Division (EHD) was notified by the City of Port Hueneme of a sewage discharge. According to city staff, approximately 1,600 gallons of raw sewage was discharged at the 700 block...

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Letter and Schedule

This attachment contains the estimated Timeline for the Kingsbridge Way Project [Kingsbridge Progress Schedule 05-20-15] The following letter has been sent and made available by Meeks Construction - we welcome them to our Seawalls! May 21, 2015 SL2434-001 Residents, Businesses, Agencies Kingsbridge Way – Mandalay Bay Sea Wall Oxnard, CA Subject:...

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Video Documentation Schedule

Meeks Construction peformed video documentation of the conditions of decks, docks and properties and would like to schedule the work for one of the following days: May 26th May 27th There were 2 locations not fully documented due to unavailability of owners for access.

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Boat Relocation Information

Boat Relocation Information If you would like assistance please fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Most spaces require the following or similar: • Operator must provide valid / current certificate of vessel numbers in owner’s name. • Current Copy of insurance policy showing $(amount varies) liability coverage with the Marina...

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Slope Protection & Foundation Repair Schedule

UPDATE: MARCH 3, 2015 SORRY about the confusion! A portion of the work on Slope protection was not completed pending the availability of specialized equipment required to apply Pressure Grouting to (I think) 9 areas that needed additional deep sealing. This work is now underway! This is work that began in July and was underway through last fall....

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Where Has All The Maintenance Money Gone?

This appears to be a most frequently asked question and possibly a most frequently misunderstood subject in the Mandalay Bay area. Update October 9, 2014: Just got the final cost for the foundation & slope protection repairs, $152,423.41, down for the estimated $210,000. (saving: $57,576.59) Big thanks to the City of Oxnard and Harbor...

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City Council approved the last bid to repair Kingsbridge Way. September 16, 2014

City Council approved the last bid to repair Kingsbridge Way. September 16, 2014 To view the meeting click the link below To skip to the part of the meeting relevant slide forward to about 3:07:12 There was one speaker from the public regarding the work already completed that...

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ReBid on Kingsbridge Way Project

The project plans have been revised to propose more flexibility in hopes of attracting a bid. The following can be found (as of 7/24/14) Project Details ID No: 364689 Project Title: Rebid - Kingsbridge Way Wall Repair - Mandalay...

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Seawall Committee Meeting – 05/02/2014

  UPDATE TO THIS POST Procurment_Schedule_PW14-03R- Kingsbridge_Seawall_Stabalization_Project 5-28-14   The Meeting opened with Ray presenting the yellow permit pending to post. The Coastal commission has given approval - this is the last permit requirement.  Revised Bid Request Due to the unexpected cost of the 2 bids received and...

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Seawall Committee Meeting -04/04/2014

 Update on Kingsbridge Project Revised Bid Request It was pretty much agreed that a better price may be available along with a wider choice of competitive bids if additional projects could be grouped into a package. NEW TIMELINE? Update on Hemlock Research and Test Plan Update on pending meeting: HOA, City staff, and Transystems By 3/15 Ray and...

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NOTICE TO HOMEOWNER – Seawall Maintenance Work in Progress

Some (NOT ALL) Homeowners have received Notice to Residents 3-12-14 with requests for waivers to be signed for "Work in Progress" under the agreement with Harbor Offshore Inc. To perform this work the contractor’s personnel and equipment must enter onto and use both the public easement on your property and any dock, gangplank, ramp, ladder,...

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Seawall Committee Meeting – 03/07/2014

Update on Kingsbridge Project & Hemlock Research and Test Plan Status of Timeline We had estimated extended by 60 days? New timeline? Important RE: Hemlock Pilot program: We have requested a meeting with the team and the city attorney plus city finance representatives for Thursday March 13, 2014 (after lunch exact time TBD). Rob delegated...

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Feb 2014 Seawall Update

A little back story   In 2014 and 2015 projects plans and approvals were slow - but happened SEAWALL TEAM REVIEW of TransSystems “Pilot Program” document (Feb 12,2014)There was a general review of the tranSystem’s oversight proposal for the Hemlock R&D project. Cameron made it clear that TranSystems is flexible on the...

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Seawall Committee Meeting 02/06/2014 (bids)

Update on Kingsbridge Project & Hemlock Research and Test Plan Bid review Two Bids came in, both are higher than the expected and budgeted amounts. It was recommended and agreed that we reject these bids and revise as many line items as possible to reduce end costs. Numbers are double what the expectation was (see attached) Bid Results...

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Seawall Update: January 10, 2014

A small group of volunteers have come together from members of the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association, to make an effort to facilitate communications regarding the Seawall repairs. These are notes regarding a most recent meeting.

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NOTICE TO BIDDERS posted January 3, 2014

An on time milestone! This posting is available online at: NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Oxnard City Council has authorized the invitation to bid on Project Specification Number PW14-03 for the...

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Seawall Update: January 2, 2014

January 3rd there should be a notice published in the Ventura County Star announcing the First week of the bid period for the contractors to proceed on the first phase of Seawall repair encompassing the East side of Kingsbridge Way in the channel between Jamestown way and Kingsbridge Way ending at Costa De Oro on the North end. The seawall (doomed to fail if not repaired) is the east facing wall.

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Sea Wall Repairs Phase 1 (Nov 2013)

The first phase of Sea Wall Repairs are scheduled to begin in early 2014 on Kingsbridge Way. Please watch this page for updates and information! Homes from 2000 thru 2144 Kingsbridge Way will need to find a place to accommodate their boats sometime around late January to mid February 2014. Docks from 2000 thru 2144 Kingsbridge Way will be removed...

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Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association Annual Meeting February 16, 2013

Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association Annual Meeting February 16, 2013

The following is the PowerPoint Presentation from the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association Annual Meeting February 16, 2013 Assess present conditions (both above and below water) Calculate the wall static and seismic stability to evaluate the risk Develop repair alternatives and costs Prioritize repairs We have collected...

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Sea walls need fixing at Mandalay Bay, but who’ll pay?

Sea walls need fixing at Mandalay Bay, but who’ll pay?

Posted: March 24, 2012 By Gretchen Wenner of the Ventura County Star One of Oxnard's premier neighborhoods, where boats nose up to million-dollar homes and the ocean beckons just beyond the harbor, has a problem borne of its marine environment: Sea walls are getting old. The reinforced concrete walls that protect Mandalay Bay's 743...

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2006 Annual Meeting CIWHA 2-11-2006

The Annual Meeting on February 11, 2006 presented many reports on the activities of 2005. 2005 was a very important year in our homeowners history. There was very active board participation on special teams covering: Seawalls: Repairs & Maintenance Dredging: needs and costs Water Quality - concerns and frustrations Oxnard West Drain Task...

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Flynn Calls for Mandalay Bay Investigation : Oxnard:

Oxnard: At issue is whether all traces of a landfill and oil-waste dump were removed before the waterfront housing was built.   BY PATRICK McCARTNEY SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NOVEMBER 10 1991 A county inquiry should be conducted to determine whether the developers of Oxnard's Mandalay Bay safely removed all traces of a county landfill...

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