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- Report issues and concerns!
- Provide your contact information – we will not post that but will use it to follow up with you!
- Tell us what is on your mind and the kind of news you are most interested in hearing about.
When you add comments to this page they WILL NOT go live automatically – because this page would fill up with spam in moments.
Please tell us in your comment if you want your comment to be private or public.
NOTE: When reporting a problem please include contact information and as much detail as possible, we will remove your contact details from the post, but having your information allows us to follow up!
*** SPRING 2024 HOT TOPIC ***
Questions and concerns regarding dredging
PLEASE post your channel location and observations.
If possible post CENTER channel depth at low tide!
Please be aware that the slopes at the seawalls are intentional silt curtains to protect the support footings. USE CAUTION TO NOT DISTURB THEM DURING LOW TIDES!
We will be sending information on Seawall Repairs and Funding status for Dredging and information requested on this page as responses and reports are returned from the teams on inquiries.
PLEASE NOTE: The HOA board members and team members are ALL Volunteers.
We also recommend reporting to the city using the 311application.
We have specific instructions for reporting issues in our Special District here:
Submit a Comment
Please report issues by using the form below – if it is an URGENT matter please send details to us using the contact form – please provide a phone number and details so we can contact you. Please take pictures to send to when we contact you!
Comments can be added here about Landscaping issues, water quality or any other Homeowner or resident concerns! If you say it is ok to go public with your comment we will post it if appropriate!
(This is ok to go public)
Hello, I have personally known Rob the harbor trash clean up guy for 4 years. Watching him cruise the waterway channels cleaning with bags on end of trash he picks up off the rocks, huge logs and wood debris, beds and couches dumped in the waterways . After the winds, he cleans up chairs and floating debris that fills his trash boat. I was told that someone at the HOA complained stating he makes over $150,00 a year. The next day he lost his job. Please understand that is is not getting paid a 1/3of that. The company Brennen is. They are contracted with the city, he is the employee. I think your HOa should hire him privately, he has cleaned the harbor for 16 years. What is the plan for all the trash and debris that is going to build up? We have photos of trash all in the rocks since day 1, hefty bags of trash and your HOA might not realize how filthy the waterways, especially the end channels become. Is there an opportunity to speak or meet at the HOA meeting to discuss this? I personally kayak daily and I feel this was a huge mistake for the HOA to vote this out. I have a feeling that you will be discussing this for a very long time if something is not done about it. Trash does not just disappear.
Hi Kristie,
Thank you for your comments and concerns.
I think you may have some information confused – but close!
First – I think perhaps you live in another residential area outside of Waterways 1? (Please see map on this page)
Our HOA is the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association,
(AKA CIWHA or Mandalay Bay, Waterways 1)
The budget discussions are very different for the multiple Special Assessment Districts and LMDs for the HOAs. Each development has different funding and different budgets and concerns. The 4 developments/HOAs are: Seabridge, Westport, Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association (Waterways 1), and Harbor Islands (Waterways 2). *
While the four developments have different budgets and funding, we all have many unifying concerns and come together through the Neighborhood Council (CINC).
As to the HOA for Waterways 1 budget discussions, there have been meetings regarding the use of Waterways 1 Assessment budgets for the next fiscal year, however, no changes have occurred yet to my knowledge and discussions are ongoing.
Regarding Harbor Debris Removal expenses for Waterways 1 specifically, Waterways 1 has been operating with the same assessment budget since 1993. As you can imagine the expenses have not stayed the same. and those rising expenses have completely absorbed funds that we should be building in a reserve for known, behind-schedule, Dredging expenses.
See this report from 2006:
Regarding interactions and discussions with the City
We (CIWHA/Waterways-1) have 3 different teams of Volunteers in our HOA that meet with the City on projects and budgets. Seawalls, Landscaping, Communications
If you are a member of Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association we are happy to discuss all of the details of all team activities.
We (members from our HOA) also attend and the neighborhood Council Meetings and will be at the CINC meeting this Thursday, April 25, 2024 (see:
* For information on the various funding districts see:
Note inserted by Admin: I missed seeing first requests – this was then repoted using 311 with an image and was resolved quickly.
My neighbor who is a renter bought a large boat with 2 engines and is parking the back (with engines) toward the seawall. I have told him that we are to park boats with engines faced out, but no response. His landlord is absentee and would not act. The seawall is shared and I am concerned for damage that I will be responsible to pay for a renter ignoring our HOA rules.
Email followup sent and reported on 311 with a photo and Code compliance responded immediately!
Sometimes I miss incoming messages in comments!
Please use the contacts and contact form for urgent needs!