UPDATE: Slope Protection & Foundation Repair Work Schedule for July Aug Sept 2014 Mandalay Bay
Some residents in Mandalay Bay have been sent letters from the City of Oxnard regarding Slope Protection & Foundation Repair activities to commence on seawalls.
Please note that the work to commence is part of the plan for preserving and protecting the seawalls as recommended by TranSystems and approved by all agencies.
Homeowners MAY move their own docks but communication with the city is important for allowing this work to commence.
Dear Resident, June 18, 2014
The City of Oxnard, through its contractor Harbor Offshore, Inc., will be performing seawall maintenance at your property. The repairs are general seawall maintenance activities that will fix minor defects that have been observed and documented.The contractor will need to access the seawall from the channel to make these repairs. This access can be accomplished in one of two (2) ways. Allow the contractor to use your dock as a work platform, or remove the dock to allow access to the seawall for repairs.
Included with this letter is a release from Harbor Offshore, Inc. It is purposed with protecting the contractor from false claims of damage from working on docks that are in poor condition and in need of repair or replacement as a result of deferred maintenance by the dock owner. The contractor will take all necessary precautions to minimize the possibility of damaging the dock while working from it. If the dock is damaged as a result of the contractors work activities, the damaged area will be repaired by the contractor. The release is focused on working from docks that are in poor and substandard condition and removing the opportunity to make damage claims about the work activity causing damage to the docks that are already in poor condition due to neglect on the property owners part.
The second way access can be achieved is by removing the dock from the pilings and relocating during the work activities. The docks are the property owner’s responsibility to remove and relocate during the seawall repairs per the dock easement granted to the property owner by the City of Oxnard. The contractor will provide a two (2) week notice as to the date and duration that the dock will need to be relocated . Please keep in mind that some repair activities will require access to the seawall from the land side using your property for access. The contractor will provide adequate notice to you in these cases.
The project is in the final stages of the environmental permitting and is expected to begin in early July. Please sign and return the waiver or request to be notified regarding the required dock relocation period by June 27,2014. Please contact Raymond Williams, Project Manager at
Raymond.williams@ci.oxnard.ca.us, or (805) 385-7902 with any question or concerns you may have.