May 2, 2019 | Communications, Maintenance, Seawall Team Notes, Seawall Update, timeline
Between budget Crisis (one after another) and turnover in Oxnard City Government and Offices some problems are growing exponentially without resolution. With all the really huge problems facing Oxnard you may think this seawall issue is less unimportant than others....
Sep 28, 2014 | News, Seawall Team Notes, Seawall Update, timeline
City Council approved the last bid to repair Kingsbridge Way. September 16, 2014 To view the meeting click the link below To skip to the part of the meeting relevant slide forward to about 3:07:12
Jul 24, 2014 | Seawall Team Notes, Seawall Update, timeline
The project plans have been revised to propose more flexibility in hopes of attracting a bid. The following can be found (as of 7/24/14) Project...
May 2, 2014 | Seawall Team Notes, timeline
UPDATE TO THIS POST Procurment_Schedule_PW14-03R- Kingsbridge_Seawall_Stabalization_Project 5-28-14 The Meeting opened with Ray presenting the yellow permit pending to post. The Coastal commission has given approval – this is the last permit...
Apr 4, 2014 | Seawall Team Notes, timeline
Update on Kingsbridge Project Revised Bid Request It was pretty much agreed that a better price may be available along with a wider choice of competitive bids if additional projects could be grouped into a package. NEW TIMELINE? Update on Hemlock Research and Test...