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Street Sweeping Contract Controversy Oxnard

I hope this helps neighbors and residents understand  the background! I also hope this helps residents appreciate the responsive nature of Oxnard City Government and Staff! If you have questions contact your Council Person: Explore...

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Summer Update – July 2023

Summer Update – July 2023

UPCOMING JULY 27 Thursday 6-8 pm at PCYC: CHANNEL ISLANDS NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL (CINC) | Important update on Oxnard Capital Improvements | Fun in the Harbor | Landscape Update

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May Updates 2023

May Updates 2023

Get ready for summer! We have May Updates to help you be Safe – Clean – Informed and Generous!

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Homeowner properties improvements and code compliance…

Homeowner properties improvements and code compliance…

Resources for CIWHA Waterways 1 Properties - Code Compliance handouts and links.Many homeowners have questions about property improvements  - what is and what is not allowed. The unique features of waterfront dock homes afford us all unusual and wonderful access to...

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Vessel Assist Boat Towing and Support Services

We no longer have Harbor Patrol North of the Channel Islands bridge. This page contains information that may be useful for your boating protection.   Boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7 For any boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7, please...

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February 25, 2023 Annual Meeting

The 2023 annual meeting of the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners was held on Saturday Feb 25, 2023. 9am-Noon There were two parts to the meeting - public and members only.The Public meeting recording is below and available on YOUTUBE There were technical issues...

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July 2022 –  CIWHA update

July 2022 – CIWHA update

What Does The Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association Actually Do? The question was asked by a homeowner following our recent plea for everyone to pay their dues.Volunteers from CIWHA Communications Team felt this was an important question!When repairs are...

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Tsunami Prep Week March 21-25 2022

Tsunami Prep Week March 21-25 2022

This information is from: In general, in Oxnard, if you are within a mile of the ocean, you may be in a potential tsunami inundation area. A tsunami is a series of traveling ocean waves triggered by...

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No Street Parking on Street Sweeping Days

No Street Parking on Street Sweeping Days

There are different days for different addresses - find yours!The City of Oxnard will begin ticketing on Street Sweeping days. We have the great fortune of living on the water. As you all know from recent years algal blooms, vegetation and debris in the water is a...

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The CIWHA Communications Team has been busy pulling together resources! The resources on this page will be updated as information becomes may leave comments on this page if you have additional resources you think would useful, or that you would like to...

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Safety and Security updated Sept. 7 2023

Safety and Security updated Sept. 7 2023

This section includes information available from Oxnard PD including crime and suspicious behavior reporting, EYES on crime information on how to register your surveillance system with the Oxnard Police Department and MUCH MORE!

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Animal Safety – Please be a responsible pet owner!

Animal Safety – Please be a responsible pet owner!

OXNARD LEASH LAW   Owning a dog is a big responsibility. It is like caring for another child! This responsibility extends past the proper care and training for your dog but also to your dog’s behavior. Oxnard City Code Section 5-42 requires dog to be on a leash....

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January 2022, Tsunami Debriefing and After Action

January 2022, Tsunami Debriefing and After Action

Recent Tsunami caused by Volcano has resulted in an examination of the Alert system from the state level down. There was a lot of confusion regarding lack of information and concern on January 14th, 2022, when tidal surges rolled through local harbors. The "alert"...

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How Does Our Homeowners Association Work

How Does Our Homeowners Association Work

We’re a Little Different – The Channels Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association (CIWHA) is lead by an All-Volunteer Board of Directors and Committee Members, which are voted on by the homeowners annually. So how are major projects like seawall studies, monitoring and repairs, landscaping,
water quality, dredging and such things paid for ?

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December 2020 Updates

REGISTER NOW and Save The Dates: Jan 28 Harbor Visioning Meeting and Feb 27th 2021 – HOA Annual Meeting – on ZOOM! GET YOUR INVITES! See what else has happened and what is coming!

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Use the Oxnard 311 App

Oxnard 3-1-1 Smart phone users – here’s your guide for the Oxnard 3-1-1 App, a quick and more efficient way to communicate maintenance issues to the City. They respond quickly and it’s a great platform for everyone. Using the app is pretty straightforward, but there...

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2020 CIWHA Annual Meeting Feb, 8th 2020

2020 CIWHA Annual Meeting Feb, 8th 2020

It was so great to see so many of you at the Annual Meeting on February 8th !It was exciting to hear from members“This was the Best Meeting Ever““The presentations were very informative““This is information we have been waiting to hear“Our City Manager, Alex Nguyen...

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September 14th 2019 Neighborhood Clean Up

Large Trash Bins at Costa de Oro/Little Harbor and Peninsula/Nice Ct.Chesapeake and Wooley Drop off your waste or we can pickit up in bags or bulk Bag your pruning(call Keith for bags 805 338 4466) FREE Appliance Pick Up DETAILS:...

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Welcome to our very first “In the Know” eblast!

Welcome to our very first “In the Know” eblast!

Waterside Neighborhood WatchWe are very lucky to live in such a low crime neighborhood. One way to continue to keep it that way is to have a good neighborhood watch program that can help detect potential unusual activities.We spend most of our time on the waterside...

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On-Going Landscape Maintenance in Mandalay Bay

On-Going Landscape Maintenance in Mandalay Bay

You may have noticed a lot of activity recently between Harbor Blvd and "Little Harbor". Trees have been trimmed, dead plant material has been removed and more work is coming! We want to extend thanks to the City and Jeri Cooper and our new Landscape Inspector Lalo...

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Speaking up!  CIWHA homeowners in Mandalay continue to request repairs be scheduled. May 7, 2019 OXNARD CITY COUNCIL Homeowners spoke on 3 itemsYou can watch the meeting under Available Archives –...

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2019  Pilaster Project

2019 Pilaster Project

Between budget Crisis (one after another) and turnover in Oxnard City Government and Offices some problems are growing exponentially without resolution. With all the really huge problems facing Oxnard you may think this seawall issue is unimportant…

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City Council Meeting April 2 2019

There was a great turnout of Mandalay residents at the April 2nd meeting!

While the city Council voted unanimously to approve the CIP, there was a clear message that Capital Improvement Projects that are funded should move forward.
More updates soon!

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Due to the efforts of CIWHOA Board members and volunteers! Not all greenbelts will see change – many have been well cared-for and do not need enhancements. if you are a homeowner adjacent to a greenbelt, you and your neighbor across from you will be contacted by the...

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Stop the bleed of our budget!

May 29 2019There will be a Water Quality Update at the neighborhood Council meeting on May 30 at PCYC.UPDATE: 11/29/18 Good Morning. The current storm has triggered our second nutrient sampling event. Our consultants are out on the water today taking samples. This is...

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More Oxnard Staff Changes

June 2018The person who was supposed to be taking the lead on the seawalls quit. Special Districts Division  transferred to Public Works 

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