Thank you to homeowner Thomas Peterson for speaking up and going the extra mile to be heard!
The regular City Council meeting have an agenda item for people to speak on “Items Not on the Agenda”
Local resident raises concerns about Ischia Drive pilaster
This is a way to be heard by all of your representatives plus staff!
A Mandalay homeowner had noticed deepening cracks on a pilaster at his homes location. When he contacted the City he was told that they inspected and say no structural damage…
Tom forwarded the email to the Seawall Team.
Imagine his dismay
But rather than be discouraged Tom put everything together and sent a cover letter, pictures and history to the Mayor and every member on City Council informing them that his intention was to speak on items NOT on the agenda to address this – but given the time limitation he wanted them to have all of this.
He received a response from Bert Perello:
- Homeowner Thomas Peterson Email to City Council 11-26-18
- Email_toCityCouncil_11-26-18 Click for Emails and Report history Sent as Attachment to City Council
- Bert Perello response 11-27-18
His voice was heard and his document recorded
It seems that simply making anyone in the City aware of an issue does not mean that issue will be solved. With the turnover and upheaval it is difficult to know exactly who to contact at any given time. Tom took the time to attend the City Council meeting tonight and very succinctly presented his information and a plea to the City to take seawall repairs that have been on hold seriously before they become much more costly disasters.
On behalf of all the homeowners – THANKS TOM!
We will post updates to this issue!
Being heard does not mean our problems are over – we need your support to keep our concerns top of mind with our City Leaders and Staff.