OTHER CONCERNS? Tell us what you THINK!
We want to know what you are concerned about – go here and let us know!
Feb. 24, 2024
Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting!
Thank you all for making it great!
Sorry about the fail on the ZOOM meeting!
There are notes available under the video on YouTube.
Please Pay Your 2024 Dues!
If you already paid – THANK YOU!
WELCOME to The Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association
If you own property in Mandalay you are a member of the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association.
The annual dues are $50 a year.
The transfer fee when property is sold is $75.
The Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association board of directors and team members are all volunteers who work on behalf of the homeowners in communications with the City and other important efforts like the Clean Water Team to protect our assets .
The dues are voluntary – but we strongly encourage all homeowners to show support by paying them!
There are approximately 700 single family homes within the Mandalay Bay. The Association’s primary mission is to serve as a liaison between the local government agencies and the homeowners. Over the years the Association has brought homeowners together and has been responsible for efforts to beautify, enhance, and protect the area. Currently, our primary focus is to work with both the City of Oxnard and the County of Ventura to ensure the maintenance of our seawalls and the quality of the water within our harbor.
Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association covers the properties in the tract map below:
If you are unsure of your homes neighborhood:
See all harbor neighborhoods north of Channel Islands Blvd
Just see CIWHA - Waterways 1
When boats create wakes in our harbor it causes damage to docks, boats and our seawalls!
Please Print and POST!
Please slow down! A ‘no wake zone’ is a section of waterway with a strict speed limit. When navigating through a no wake zone, state and federal regulations generally require that the captain observe the slowest-possible vessel speed to maintain steerage, but no greater than 5 MPH. The goal is to minimize the wake created by boats passing through the zone. This is to protect Boats, Docks, SEAWALLS and Vessels!
Property Improvements & Code Compliance
Homeowners have requested Code Compliance Information.
Click below for a collection of information and links.
Short Term Rental Complaints
Oxnard Code Compliance staff along with the Oxnard contractor Host Compliance handle incoming complaints and enforcement of Short Term Rental (STR) regulations. This enforcement ranges from a documentation of the complaint, notifying the responsible party by phone, sending warning letters, written violation notices, citations or referrals to the City Attorney’s office for further enforcement actions.
The contact for a complaint is Host Compliance, either by phone or through their website. Please use the Host Compliance hotline — (805) 272-7988 — or Host Compliance website (Website Hotline URL: https://secure.hostcompliance.com/complaints/type) to file any complaints regarding short term rentals in Oxnard.
For more information and to determine YOUR pick up days please visit the Oxnard.org
Click here: https://www.oxnard.org/collection-calendars/
[CLICK HERE FOR 311 TIPS and TRICKS for use in our area!]
Report a Problem GET THE APP Click for download page Oxnard 311 helps you stay connected to your City. With Oxnard 311, you can submit a service request – fix a pothole, replace a sign, report graffiti, and more. Your request is instantly routed to the right person in the right department at City Hall. This means your request is responded to quickly and you’ll be notified as soon as the service is complete. Oxnard 311 is also a great way to get City news and emergency notifications.
Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association Board Meetings
CHIWA Board meetings are back to in person meetings. Board meetings take place the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6 PM. If you would like to attend please contact a board member to confirm time and location.
Meetings are generally held at Keith’s Office at 4310 Tradewinds Dr, Ste 700, Oxnard, CA 93035
Oxnard PD
Community Crime Map can be found at https://communitycrimemap.com/
Click for instructions on using Community Crime Map [PDF]
LexisNexis® Community Crime Map connects law enforcement with the community to reduce crime and improve public safety. Crime mapping helps the public get a better idea of the crime activity in their area so they can make more informed decisions about how to stay safe. Community Crime Map goes beyond crime mapping by automatically alerting the public about recent crime activity and by improving communication between the public and law enforcement through anonymous tips. C
The markers representing incident locations on the map indicate approximate locations, typically rounded to the nearest block. The data displayed on this map is based on preliminary information, and is subject to change at any time. This data is intended as general crime information, and is produced for the purpose of public awareness. No warranty or guarantee is made or implied regarding the content, geographic accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the data.
Click for instructions on using Community Crime Map [PDF]
ALSO SEE The Oxnard Beat Map (PDF)
251 South ‘C’ StreetOxnard, CA 93030
(805) 385-7600
EMERGENCY NUMBERS9-1-1 or (805) 486-1663
Get In Touch
Community communications is an essential aspect of the role of the HOA Board. Many neighbors are utilizing www.nextdoor.com this service gives our neighbors an online network where information unique to our community can be shared. On Nextdoor neighbors can share community events, recommendations, items for sale/free, crime/safety concerns, ideas about how to make our neighborhood better, and more. It is also a vehicle by which the HOA Board can facilitate open dialogue between neighbors. It is a free service and we encourage you to try it out.
INCO Channel Islands Neighborhood Council (CINC)
Our area Neighborhood Council site is here:Channel Islands Neighborhood Council
The Oxnard City Council initiated the Inter-Neighborhood Council Organization (INCO) to give residents the opportunity to participate in governmental decision-making processes.
The Inter Neighborhood Council Organization (INCO)
- The INCO encourages Oxnard residents to form neighborhood councils to address issues and needs that are important to community members.
- The INCO, in turn, serves as an advocacy group for each of the neighborhood councils. The INCO is made up of the chairpersons of each active neighborhood council, ensuring that residents from each neighborhood have a voice.
- The INCO assists the neighborhood councils in communicating with the Oxnard City Council and City staff, and helps the neighborhood councils achieve their objectives.
Our area Neighborhood Council site is here:Channel Islands Neighborhood Council