This page will contain schedule updates as we get them!
As this project nears the end please also see: Ongoing Maintenance
Progress report
October The concrete has set and the frames removed. The docks will be replaced soon!
- COMPLETED John S. Meek Company is scheduled to mobilize the Barge on June 1, 2015.
- COMPLETED JSM will also start removing the existing piles and docks once survey is completed on June 2nd.
- COMPLETED ALL Anchors have been drilled and placed
- Pull and Stress Testing exceeded specification requirements.
- COMPLETED The Drill rig has been pulled from the barge (week of Aug 17)
- COMPLETED The frames and forms are being set up for support framework on the wall face.
- October 15 The concrete has set and the frames removed. The docks will be replaced soon!
There is a YouTube Playlist here:
Or watch below: (click the upper left corner below to see the other videos)