The project plans have been revised to propose more flexibility in hopes of attracting a bid.

The following can be found (as of 7/24/14)

Project Details ID No: 364689
Project Title: Rebid – Kingsbridge Way Wall Repair – Mandalay Bay Seawalls Project, Oxnard
Project Reference: PW14-03R Category: Engineering
Bid Due date: Jul, 23 2014 at 02:00 PM Owner Type: Public
Project Estimate:
Project Details: The proposed repairs include drilling and installation of (20) grouted tie-backs into the earth using pre-stressing strands which are anchored into a new cast-in-place concrete beam installed on the face of the seawall. The new beam will run continuous for 196 feet on the exterior of the seawall near the mean high tide line. The work will be performed in dry conditions, but the formwork and beam will be submerged by high tides during the construction period. Drilling debris and any excess grout will be entrapped at each work station for disposal. After the wale has cured the anchors will be pull-tested and if acceptable the anchor pockets grouted. Water turbidity will be controlled by a containment boom and silt curtain around the active work area. Work includes removal, temporary storage and installation or replacement of construction interferences including private improvements (docks, gangways, guide pile and decks) within the prescribed work area. Removed concrete guide piles intended for re-installation shall be identified by property location and then either; stored on a materials barge, removed from the jobsite and stored offsite in a Contractor controlled yard, or cleaned of marine growth within 24hrs of removal to control odor and stored onsite within the 12 property work area in a stable manner which does not pose an adverse structural load, public safety or navigation risk. Project duration is 180 calendar days. Bonds required.
License: A
State: California County: Ventura
Prebid Meeting: Scheduled Prebid Date/Time: Jun, 25 2014 at 09:30 AM
Location: City Council Chambers City Civic Center 305 West Third St. Oxnard, CA
Published By Construction Bid Source, LLC on Jun, 11 2014
DISCLAIMER: Projects posted by Construction Bid Source LLC contain information that is aggregated daily from multiple sources. Construction Bid Source LLC does not assume any responsibility for omissions or errors.