City Council approved the last bid to repair Kingsbridge Way. September 16, 2014
To view the meeting click the link below
To skip to the part of the meeting relevant slide forward to about 3:07:12
There was one speaker from the public regarding the work already completed that brought to light some confusion of projects. The speaker mentioned that gangways and docks did not need to be removed for recent work.
This is true – the waivers that Harbor OffShore requested of Homeowners were to facilitate anticipated needs and to my knowledge no docks ended up being removed for slope repair and there were no reports of damages.
The work recently done (slope repair) is very different from the Kingsbridge Way repair. The Kingsbridge Way repair will require very different equipment and notifications to residents will be facilitated as the Contractor communicates needs.
Public Works Department
4. SUBJECT: Approval of Lowest Responsible Responsive Bid and Authorization to Issue and Execute a Contract for PW14-03R-(Rebid) Kingsbridge Way Wall Repairs-Mandalay Bay Seawalls. (141)
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Award contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, John S. Meek Company, Inc. (A-7712) in the amount of $993,965.00 for PW14-03R-Kingsbridge Way Wall Repairs-Mandalay Bay Seawalls, and authorize the purchasing agent to execute the contract upon receipt of final Documents; and 2) Approve a special budget appropriation in the amount of $400,000 from Waterway Assessment Fund Balance to Mandalay Bay Seawall Improvements Project 143101.
Legislative Body: CC Contact: Rob Roshanian Phone: 385-7682
Document: WallRepairs (pdf 1.64 MB