These are supporting documents for quick reference.
November – Tom Peterson (homeowner) reports cracked pilaster to City
- TP_Emails_and_Report_history
- Email_toCityCouncil_11-26-18
- 11.13.2018 Agenda with Presentations CC,SA
- PW_19-25_Mandalay_Bay_Engineering_Services
Harbor Task Force
Representatives from our homeowners association have met repeatedly with City employees, Finance directors, Council
Members, Public Works representatives, the consultants hired by the city – asking what could be done to correct this –
since the 90’s.
The City of Oxnard hired an engineering firm to perform an engineering analysis and presented the findings of studies of
the condition of our Seawalls to our HOA in 2006. It was during that presentation in 2006 that the City of Oxnard
informed our homeowners that the assessment funds were grossly inadequate to cover the required restoration and
repairs. The City did agree to a 50/50 split in 2012 which eventually allowed the project on Kingsbridge Way (completed
in 2015) but the rest of the high priority projects (to my knowledge) have tabled due to lack of funding. We HAD been
meeting with public works monthly for years ‐ until recently, Public Works has canceled those meetings and says we can
contact them if we have any questions or concerns – of course they cannot answer our questions, nor can they address
our concerns.
While it is obvious that the City needed a fresh look at old problems, and nobody expects anyone to “walk on water” ‐
we in Mandalay Bay are grateful every day that we are not required to – due to a failed seawall.
September 3, 2015: Letter to City Council and City Manager: Follow_up_Town_Hall_meeting.pdf
Mr. Nyhoff ‐ when Bill Clark and I met with you, a year ago last month, we had hope – it was agreed that this was an urgent matter that required attention… but then of course other matters have taken precedence.
The City of Oxnard knew that Mandalay Bay’s assessment was inadequate for covering expenses associated with the maintenance of the Seawalls. This knowledge was reflected in the arrangements for assessments in the Seabridge and Westport developments.
The residents of Mandalay Bay have been requesting clarification and assistance since 1976 on defining the scope of the
Waterway Maintenance District.
The City of Oxnard began the 20 Year Seawall Maintenance Plan in 1999
In the presentation by the city of Oxnard at our annual meeting in 2005 it was estimated that the replacement cost of the 7.8 miles of Seawall would cost $56,000,000 or $1,359.72 per foot. For the 743 properties in Mandalay Bay and that we did not have the required money for the budget or needed maintenance.
See: MBa_FY05-06_Public_Hearing_5-17-05.pdf
05‐06 Budget (not much has changed except the passing of time and increased cost of work)
Seawall Maintenance: $111,329
Landscape Maintenance: 138,495
Guard Rail Replacement: 190,000
Channel Cleaning 63,000
Total Appropriation $502,824
*Leaves Waterway Fund Balance of $475,269
- MANDALAY Slope Protection Foundation Repair Notice to Residents with Wavier Mailed 6-18-14-2
- Work Schedule for Repairs in Progress August September 2014: July-Aug-Sept_2014_Mandalay_Calendar
- 6/2014
- 5-28-14
Procurment Schedule PW14-03R- Kingsbridge Seawall Stabalization Project 5-28-14
- City of Oxnard Mandalay Seawall Assessment and Capital Improvement Program -Final Report August 20 2012 Strategic_Investigation_PhaseB
- NOAA_2012_california-ocean-economy All data in this report are from 2012 unless otherwise noted.
- Public Works Mandalay Bay Annual Report
NOTE: The above pdf contains many sections listed on the table of contents on the first page. The sections are not marked internally. To lessen confusion below are the individual pdfs in the sections that comprise the document in it’s entirety.
- TOC: Table of Contents
- 01 Mandalay Bay Annual Report Presentation, February 2004
- Section 02 Dock Maintenance and Repair Presentation
- Section 03 Code Enforcement Presentation
- Section 04 Contact Information
- Section 05 City of Oxnard Inland Waterway Ordinance (Ordinance No. 2484)
- Section 06 Report of Formula and Methodology of Assessments-Waterway Maintenance District (Mandalay Bay), Apri126, 1988, Penfield & Smith Engineers, Inc, Santa Barbara, CA
Section 07 Guardrail Drawing
- Section 08 (which includes the following)
- a) Resolution 5121, Intent to Form Waterway Maintenance District
- b) Resolution 5144, Formation of Waterway Maintenance District
- c) Resolution 5487, Annexing Properties into the Waterway Maintenance District
- d) Resolution 5946, Amending the Purposes of the Waterway Maintenance District
- e) Resolution 6757, Intent to Form Waterway Maintenance District
- f) Resolution 6758, Intent to Annex Territory into the Waterway Maintenance District and Amend its Purposes
- g) Resolution 6830, Annexing Properties and Amending the Purposes of the Waterway Maintenance District
- h) Resolution 9272, Intent to Annex Properties in Mandalay Bay Phase IV to the Waterway Maintenance District and to Divide the District into Assessment
- i) Resolution 9310, Ordering Annexation of Mandalay Bay Phase N into the Waterway Maintenance District and the Division of the District into Assessment Zones.
- j) Resolution 9897, Approving Final Accounting and Completion of Mandalay Bay Settlements
- k) Resolution 10559, Intention to Annex Territory to Existing Waterway Maintenance District and to Change Boundaries to Zone 2
- 1) Resolution 10593, Order Annexation of Tract 4132-2 & 4132-3 to Waterway Maintenance District and to Change Boundaries to Zone 2
- m) Resolution 10594, Annexation to Waterway Maintenance District & Change of Boundaries Zone 2
- n) Resolution 10623, Planning & Zoning Permit No. 93-5-20-Construction of Sound Wall, West Victoria Ave. Between Channel Island Blvd. & Hemlock St. Subject Conditions Filed by Ed Gripp
- o) Resolution 10624, Intention to Include Maintenance of Sound Wall in Zone 1 Waterway Maintenance District
- Section 09 City Council Minutes Pertaining to the Waterway Maintenance District
- Section 10 (which includes the following)
- a) A Study of the Effects of Waterway Expansion-Channel Islands Harbor, April 1970, Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers, Long Beach, CA
- b) Ventura County Municipal Storm Water NPDES Permit
- c) Oxnard West Drain Trash and Debris Study
- Section 11 (which includes the following)
- i) Summary of Succession of Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association (CIWHA)
- ii) CIWHA Bylaws
- Section 12 CC & Rs (which includes the following)
- i) Tract Map 1904 Assignment of Powers
- ii) Tract Map 1904-1
- iii) Tract Map 1904-1 First Amendment
- iv) Tract Map 1904-1 Supplemental Declaration
- v) Tract Map 1904-2
- vi) Tract Map 1904-2 Supplemental Declaration
- vii) Tract Map 1904-3
- viii) Tract Map 1904-3 Supplemental Declaration
- ix) Tract Map 1904-3 Supplemental Declaration
- x) Tract Map 2026-1
- xi) Tract Map 2026-2 71
- xii) Tract Map 2026-2 72
The History Of The Seawalls