Video of public portion of the Annual Meeting held on Feb 26 2022.
Updated information from our awesome Councilman Bert Perello
& additional links to relevant information.
We had a great turnout for the annual meeting, although a few people reported issues with zoom letting them in.
I have enabled comments on this page – they will not be made live without review – so if you want it to remain private please mention that!
You may ask for more information or post useful information, feed back or questions.
Please be aware we are not always quick to respond!
For more information regarding safety in our Harbor and our neighborhood please see the posts here: Safety & Security
This is the response from: Vasquez-Housley, Todd <>
Council Member Perello,
I hope I have answered your questions. If you have anything further I am always available by cell at 805-890-3153 to talk. Thank you!

April Updates 2023
Beat Cop Information | NO WAKE ZONE | Code Compliance | Whale Watching
Vessel Assist Boat Towing and Support Services
We no longer have Harbor Patrol North of the Channel Islands bridge. This page contains information that may be useful for your boating protection. Boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7 For any boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7, please...

Tsunami Prep Week March 21-25 2022
This information is from: In general, in Oxnard, if you are within a mile of the ocean, you may be in a potential tsunami inundation area. A tsunami is a series of traveling ocean waves triggered by...

The CIWHA Communications Team has been busy pulling together resources! The resources on this page will be updated as information becomes may leave comments on this page if you have additional resources you think would useful, or that you would like to...

Safety and Security updated Sept. 7 2023
This section includes information available from Oxnard PD including crime and suspicious behavior reporting, EYES on crime information on how to register your surveillance system with the Oxnard Police Department and MUCH MORE!

Animal Safety – Please be a responsible pet owner!
OXNARD LEASH LAW Owning a dog is a big responsibility. It is like caring for another child! This responsibility extends past the proper care and training for your dog but also to your dog’s behavior. Oxnard City Code Section 5-42 requires dog to be on a leash....

January 2022, Tsunami Debriefing and After Action
Recent Tsunami caused by Volcano has resulted in an examination of the Alert system from the state level down. There was a lot of confusion regarding lack of information and concern on January 14th, 2022, when tidal surges rolled through local harbors. The "alert"...