There are different days for different addresses – find yours!


The City of Oxnard will begin ticketing on Street Sweeping days.

We have the great fortune of living on the water. As you all know from recent years algal blooms, vegetation and debris in the water is a source of unwanted pollution.
There are no street sweeping “No Parking” signs in our development,we have confirmed that citations will not be issued until signs are up!
Our streets have 2 different schedules – please click the button below to find your address on the interactive map!

Find your schedule

If no signs are visible there will be no citations. Signs will be posted soon so please find your schedule and begin to adapt!

Parking Tickets shall be issued

Storm Drains are no place for waste,
While this may create some issues it really is a good thing to have the debris from our streets removed before it washes into the storm drains!


Storm Drains are no place for waste