The CIWHA Communications Team has been busy pulling together resources!
The resources on this page will be updated as information becomes may leave comments on this page if you have additional resources you think would useful, or that you would like to see here! Your comments will be reviewed and not made public – please include you phone number in case we need to contact you.
Boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7
For any boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7, please use the Police Department Dispatch line 1-805-385- 7740 or Fire 1-805-385-7722 (both of those numbers are on the City’s website in the “Departments” section).
During business hours please call Code Compliance, 1-805-385-7940 x9. Please note that the Code Compliance line is not monitored after hours.
Also See:
Homeless Activity
We are in proximity to the Casa Serena encampment, the dunes and Edison Canal encampment and the Power Plant encampment.
Theft crime and break ins have increased. We are also concerned about fire and water pollution.
We were referred to:
Jessica Petrillo – Homeless Assistance 805-385-8044 office
805-889-2493 cell
We also spoke with Officer Kohr, who requested we contact him or Oxnard PD
If we see any suspicious activity contact
Non-emergency Dispatch
In the event of an emergency call 911
Pools and Spas
In a recent seawall inspection with the City Engineer, we mentioned the existence of a permitted in-ground pool in the neighborhood. We asked if the permitting of in-ground pools or spas contained any enhance engineering requirements to mitigate any infringement on the integrity of seawalls.
We were referred to Vytautas “Vyto” Adomaitis Director
Community Development Department
214 S C Street | Oxnard, CA 93030 O: tel:1-805-385-7882 | F: 805-385-7417
His response:
Building & Engineering verifies that pools adjoining waterways in the Channel Islands Harbor area are not imposing additional loading on, or otherwise affecting the integrity of the seawalls. We also verify that the presence of the constructed pool will not infringe on any maintenance easements owned by the City. There are different designs for the seawalls among the different housing tracts in this area that affect the ability of a pool to be permitted.
In the older tracts (Mandalay), pools may not be possible due to the location of seawall maintenance easements, while in Seabridge or Westport there are locations where a pool could be allowed.
For any additional questions regarding in ground pools and associated engineering requirements, please contact Asst. Director/Building Official, Jeff Pengilley, at 805-385- 8208.
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
We requested confirmation on the City’s position on ADUs as there appears to be some disparity between State and Coastal Commission positions.
We were referred to Vytautas “Vyto” Adomaitis Director
Community Development Department
214 S C Street | Oxnard, CA 93030 O: 805-385-7882 | F: 805-385-7417
His response:
Within the City of Oxnard, Accessory Dwelling Units are not currently allowed in the Coastal Zone.
In addition, we met with Coastal Commission staff in August 2020, and we discussed the recent changes in state law which generally allows ADUs in residential zones except within the Coastal Zone. The CCC staff encouraged us, and other coastal cities, to allow ADUs within the Coastal Zone. CCC staff suggested that we look at Santa Cruz’s ADU Coastal regulations which provide ADU restrictions / reasons for denial based on lack of parking. As part of the Housing Element, City staff did not propose and City Council did not provide direction to amend our LCP to allow ADUs in the Coastal Zone. For any additional questions regarding ADUs, please contact Planning Manager, Scott Kolwitz, at 805-385-3919.

January 2022, Tsunami Debriefing and After Action
Recent Tsunami caused by Volcano has resulted in an examination of the Alert system from the state level down.
There was a lot of confusion regarding lack of information and concern on January 14th, 2022, when tidal surges rolled through local harbors.
The “alert” messages posted pretty much said we were not anticipating any real noticeable impact.
There was a lot of back and forth on social media while watching docks rise and fall in Mandalay Bay as information began to trickle in about real damage in Ventura Harbor.
Our City Councilman, Bert Perello sent us an update today regarding the work going on behind the scenes to learn from that event and make changes for the future!
Subject: Fwd: Tsunami Debriefing and After Action
Honorable Mayor, Council Members & City Staff,
Alex Hamilton, MBA
From: Brewer, Scott <>
Date: Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Tsunami Debriefing and After Action
To: Alexander Hamilton <>
Cc: John Colamarino <>, Karsten Guthrie <>
Chief Hamilton
This email is a follow-up to our response to the January 9th Tsunami “Alert” response. While I believe our response to this incident was both timely and appropriate, I did have some concerns specifically connected to the communications and notification process between Oxnard and The County of Ventura.
On Tuesday, January 25th a debriefing was held at the Ventura County EOC to review this response and specifically the notification procedures surrounding the event. Here are some of the findings, immediate actions, and planning issues resulting from that meeting:
- This event was highly unusual and did not fit traditional earthquake and tsunami models:This tsunami was the result of an undersea volcano and not a typical seismic event. The Tsunami Warning System is designed to detect and alert when earthquakes are recorded over a specific magnitude. When an earthquake occurs in a specific area and exceeds the sensor’s magnitude threshold, an automatic notification is sent out. The experts monitoring the system then do a rapid analysis to determine the likelihood, severity, and potential location(s) of any ensuing tsunami. This analysis also determines what level of threat (warning, alert, watch, or threat) will be affixed to that event. Different threat levels may be assigned to different geographic areas depending on a large number of factors. This information is then sent out through the Tsunami Warning System. In the case of the January 25th event, the earthquakes associated with the eruption did not reach a sufficient magnitude to trigger the automatic warning system. In addition, once detected, traditional undersea earthquake-tsunami models, did not appear to apply to the event. Once additional analysis of the data was performed, proper notifications were made.
- California appeared to be at minimal risk and received a “Tsunami Alert” rather than a “Warning”: When the California State Warning Center received the “Alert” it was considered a “non-event” for our portion of the State. As such at approximately 4:40 am an email was sent out from the State Warning Center to the coastal counties notifying them of the “Alert”. Without a higher level of notification, many counties and cities were unaware of the “Alert” notification sitting in their email inboxes.
- Ventura County Notifications:When the Ventura County OES Duty Officer received the “Alert” notification combined with the statement of a “non-event” for our area, and with the knowledge that local fire and police agencies had also been copied on the Warning Center email, they made the determination that no public or local government notifications were required.
- Notifications to local agencies at the “ALERT” level: Beginning immediately, Ventura County OES will change their procedures and notify local cities, agencies, and special districts, via phone or text, of all “Tsunami Alerts”. This will allow local governments to make their own decisions about what type of protective actions and notifications are needed given the circumstances.
- County Tsunami Plan Update: Ventura OES will move up its schedule for updating the County-Wide Tsunami Response Plan. Once an initial draft is complete it will be distributed to the local governments to review, edit, and made additions as required.
- Tsunami Sirens:The County will explore funding sources and the feasibility of installing tsunami warning sirens in the highest risk locations. If this occurs, it is a long-term project.
- New Tsunami Signage:The County will work with the coastal cities to determine if better tsunami warning signage would help to raise the awareness of the public and increase public safety.
- New Notification Technology:The County will work with the local cities and agencies to determine if new automated recognition software could be used to increase the speed and accuracy of emergency warnings, alerts, and notifications by recognizing keywords, formats, and statements used in standard alerts and converting them to text messages.
While this event deviated greatly from previous and expected tsunami models, once we learned of the event, I believe our city responded quickly and appropriately to the threat. The immediate change to Ventura County “Alert” level notification will resolve one of our biggest and most immediate concerns regarding awareness and notification of these events, particularly if they occur during off-hours, weekends, and holidays. Updating the County-Wide Tsunami Plan will give us, our partner cities, and local agencies an opportunity to evaluate and improve the plan in light of this recent real-world event.
Overall I think we need to look at this event as an excellent “dress rehearsal”. There are many lessons and issues that would have never been revealed during a planning session or exercise that came to light on the morning of the 19th. This is our opportunity to work with our partner agencies, review and improve our plans, and explore new technologies that could assist us in protecting our community and its residents.
Link to US Tsunami Warning Center Page:
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott Brewer
Scott Brewer
City of Oxnard
Emergency Services Manager
Office: (805) 385-7717
Cell: (805) 616-9677
We will update you as we get more information!
2022 Annual Meeting – Saturday February 26, 2022 at 10 AM
Video of public portion of the Annual Meeting held on Feb 26 2022.
Updated information from our awesome Councilman Bert Perello
& additional links to relevant information.
We had a great turnout for the annual meeting, although a few people reported issues with zoom letting them in.
I have enabled comments on this page – they will not be made live without review – so if you want it to remain private please mention that!
You may ask for more information or post useful information, feed back or questions.
Please be aware we are not always quick to respond!
For more information regarding safety in our Harbor and our neighborhood please see the posts here: Safety & Security
This is the response from: Vasquez-Housley, Todd <>
Council Member Perello,
I hope I have answered your questions. If you have anything further I am always available by cell at 805-890-3153 to talk. Thank you!

How Does Our Homeowners Association Work
We’re a Little Different
If you own property in Mandalay you are a member of the the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association.
The Channels Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association (CIWHA) is lead by an All-Volunteer Board of Directors and Committee Members, which are voted on by the homeowners annually.
The Homeowners Association dues are $50.00 per year. However, with only about half the homeowners honoring their annual obligation ( 743 households X 50% = 371.50 households X $50 = $18,575.00 per year) the Association only collects approximately $18.575.00 per year. That does not provide much income for major projects and wish lists. Those funds are held and managed by the CIHWA Board of Directors for small regular billings, communications and small projects or the hiring of consultants if needed. Please refer to the annual budget in your newsletter or refer to the website
So how are major projects like seawall studies, monitoring and repairs, landscaping, water quality, dredging and such things paid for ?
On your property tax bill you will notice an Oxnard Waterway Maintenance District itemization. This amount runs approximately $500 to $1200 per year for each home in Mandalay Bay. These funds are not managed by the Homeowners Association. These funds are managed by the City of Oxnard requiring a vote by the Oxnard City Council for use. When thinking about this process you might recall back to your early school years when you learned how a Bill is turned into Law with the Schoolhouse Rock Jingle “I’m Just a Bill on Capitol Hill”.
So here’s how this works
- If the HOA Board or homeowners have a request for certain projects or capital improvements, the Board, acting as a liaison representing the homeowners to the City of Oxnard, must reach out or petition the Department of Public Works
- If the request falls under a pre-approved budget item such as regular landscape maintenance, the Public Works staff member may opt to assist in the request.
- If the request falls outside of a pre-approved budget item, such as capital improvements to landscaping, seawalls, water quality or dredging etc., and the Department of Public Works deems the request viable, they must prepare a report and submit the request to the City of Oxnard Public Works and Transportation Committee for approval. The Committee is comprised of Chair and 2 Council Members and is typically attended by the Public Works Director, City Manager and City Attorney’s office representatives. The meeting is usually held every other week. For times and to download the agenda please refer to the City of Oxnard Website and click on City Meetings and Agendas then Public Works and Transportation Committee. Public comments can be forwarded to the City Clerk for distribution to the Committee. You may also register to speak on non-agenda items or items slated for the day’s agenda.
- If the item is approved by the Public Works and Transportation Committee, the request is elevated to the City Council for review and approval. The City Council typically meets every other week. Please refer to for times and to download agenda items. Public comments can be forwarded to the City Clerk for distribution to the Council. You may also register to speak on non-agenda items or items slated for the day’s agenda. The Council’s recommendation will then be executed in the manor deemed appropriate by the Council, which could mean request for additional reports, proposals, contracts and so forth.
Can the funds in the Waterway Assessment District be spent without a request from our Board or homeowners ?
The answer is “Yes”
If the Department of Public Works and Transportation deems a project or maintenance item should be completed without a request form the Board of Directors and deems the funds should be paid from the Waterway Assessment District, the Department of Public Works and Transportation may go through the process and have the allocation of funds approved without notification to the Board of Directors.
This is one more reason the Board of Directors endeavors to watch for related agenda items and may request your support for and or against various items as related to our community.
What if there are not adequate funds in the Waterway Assessment District to pay for a project, as an example seawall repairs and replacement ?
Seawall repair and replacement have been a topic of discussion at our Annual Meetings. In 2020 the City presented a proposal on solutions and preliminary costs for the repair and replacement of the seawalls. At the 2021 Annual Meeting the City is scheduled to present a Geo Study on the solutions described at the 2020 meeting. The preliminary costs presented in 2020 appear to exceed the funds in the Waterways Assessment District. Should the City opt to move forward with one or more of the presented solutions, the City would then need to provide means of financing for both the City’s and the homeowner’s portions of the project. The City could elect to have the project completed in phases as funds allow, or there could be future discussion from the City on the possibility of creating an additional Assessment District or Community Facilities District(CFD) with the possibility of effecting a Bond to cover the costs. Any option for an additional Assessment District, CFD or Bond would require extensive communication from the City and would require a vote by homeowners and or residents registered to vote in Ventura County with details of the required process communicated to the community in advance. Under such circumstances the Board would be active in providing communication to homeowners in an effort to present information and or tools to better understand any options the City may declare.
In summary, the CIHWA Board of Directors serve as a liaison between the homeowners and the City of Oxnard. The CIHWA Board may offer recommendations but the final decision on any project, expenditure and authorization to allocate funds lie solely with the Oxnard City Council. This makes your voice and participation critical to the continued success of our community.
The Board of Directors endeavors to monitor Committee and Council meeting agenda items and may request your support for and or against various items as related to our community.
City Council and Committee Meetings can be viewed on the Oxnard YouTube channel or the Community Access channel from your cable provider.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click a question below for more details.
Our HOA is a little different
Are ADUs allowed in Mandalay Bay - Channel Islands Waterfront Homes? NO [read more]
Within the City of Oxnard, Accessory Dwelling Units are not currently allowed in the Coastal Zone.
- The CCC staff encouraged us, and other coastal cities, to allow ADUs within the Coastal Zone. CCC staff suggested that we look at Santa Cruz's ADU Coastal regulations which provide ADU restrictions / reasons for denial based on lack of parking.
- As part of the Housing Element, City staff did not propose and City Council did not provide direction to amend our LCP to allow ADUs in the Coastal Zone.
- For any additional questions regarding ADUs, please contact Planning Manager, Scott Kolwitz, at 805-385-3919.
Are Short Term Rentals (STRs) Allowed in Mandalay Bay - Channel Islands Waterfront Homes?
General Information:
The link above contains information regarding:
- Local Ordinances
- Frequently Asked Questions About Short Term Rentals
- Short-Term rentals approved to operate within the City of Oxnard
- Approved Short-Term Rentals Map
Inquiries can be made to
- Approved Short-Term Rentals Map
- Resources for Short Term Rental Applications (Application Procedure, forms, fees and more)
- STR Background Information
Are animals allowed off-leash in the area of Mandalay Channel Islands Waterfront Homes? NO
Oxnard City Code Section 5-42 requires dog to be on a leash. All dogs must be under the control of the guardian at all times.
No person shall permit any dog owned, harbored or controlled by that person to be on any public beach, street, sidewalk, alley, park or place of whatever nature open to and used by the public unless the dog is securely leashed, and the leash is continuously controlled by a responsible person capable of controlling such dog or unless such dog is securely confined in a motor vehicle.
Please be a responsible pet owner and abide by the law. Violations are a minimum penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
*Animal Safety Office*
251 South C Street (second floor of the Police Department)
Oxnard, CA 93030
(805) 385-7640
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday (8:00am-5:00pm)
*To report animal safety related calls for service (including after hours and on weekends):*
For animal related calls: (805) 385-7640
For animal related emergencies: (805) 385-7786
December 2020 Updates
What’s Happened & What’s Coming!
December 12, 2020 – The Toy and Food Drive at the Harbor was a HUGE success!
Thank you to all who donated and volunteered!
The Toy and Food Drive was a tremendous success!
Record Number of Items Collected at Channel Islands Harbor Holiday Food & Toy Drive!
Spark Of Love
- An estimated 2,200 toys were collected to benefit the Spark of Love Toy Drive.
Ventura County Fire Department Public Information Officer Brian McGrath said the efforts at the Channel Islands Harbor will help benefit at least 2,000 families in Ventura County.
“McGrath said. “For their first toy drive, the Harbor community really exceeded expectations.”
FoodShare Ventura County
- 5,000 lbs of non-perishable food
- Money donations of nearly $14,000
The money donations alone will provide over 41,000 meals!
Jennifer Caldwell, Food Share’s Chief Development Officer said “This could be the biggest community food drive I’ve ever seen in Food Share history.”
October 6, 2020 – Oxnard City Council unanimously approved a resolution for the City to provide 50% of the costs associated with the repair and replacement of the Seawalls.
Oct 6, 2020 Documents:
98% of the Pilaster Jacket Repairs at Mandalay Bay, which provides concrete reinforcement to the seawalls, have been completed.
The remaining project work is estimated to be completed by the end of 2020.
a. Seawalls- Pilaster Jacket Repairs at Mandalay Bay
i. Group 1A (2044, 2034, & 2024 Peninsula Rd): Completed
ii. Group 1B (2024 & 2014 Peninsula Rd): Completed
iii. Group 2A (2000 Peninsula Rd, 4050 W Hemlock St): Completed
iv. Group 2B (4050 & 4040 W Hemlock St): Completed
v. Group 3A ( 2121 through 2131 S Victoria St): Completed
vi. Group 3B ( 2121 Ravoli and 2131 Ravoli Dr): Completed
vii. Group 4A (2311 Victoria Ave): Completed
viii. Group 4B (2305 Victoria Ave and 2311 Victoria Ave): Completed
ix. Group 5 (2341 Victoria & 2351 Victoria): Completed
x. Group 6 (2321 Monaco Dr & 2341 Monca Dr): Completed
xi. Group 7A (4015 Ischia Dr): Completed
xii. Group 7B- (4045 Ischia Dr)
1. Pending Engineer of Record direction on RFI-36
xiii. Group 8- (4016, 4010, and 4000 Nice Court)
1. Concrete poured & scheduled to be completed by 11/20.
xiv. Group 9- (2501, 2511, and 2521 Victoria Ave): Completed
xv. Punch-List:
Gangway Platform Rod Repairs (2024 Peninsula, 2351 Monaco, 4050 W Hemlock, & 2351 S Victoria Service Rd )
1. Per RFI-37, the Contractor needs direction on gangway platform rod repairs.
a. The City is working with the Engineer of Record for direction to platform rod repairs.
xvi. Private Platforms (2034 Penninsula Rd, 2014 Penninsula Rd, 4040 W Hemlock, 2501 S Victoria Service Rd, & 2121 S Victoria Service Rd )
1. The design was approved on 11/2.
2. Contractor to order, fabricate, and install. Scheduled To be completed by 12/4.
xvii. The contract completion date was originally 9/18/20.
A time extension was issued until 10/21/2020 because of homeowner issues and cement supply shortage.
1. The extension is now issued until 12/11, due to the need for additional dive work and change order work.
Full Update from City 11, 17, 2020: Mandalay Bay Seawalls Project Update 11.17.20
Jan 27, 2021
Channel Islands Harbor Vision Plan

October 2020 – Be in the know!
50/50 Approved in 2020
October 6, 2020 The Oxnard City Council voted unanimously to support city funding for seawall repairs/maintenance. This resolution commits the city to pay half of all Seawall Repair and Maintenance costs.
After years of verbal commitments rescinded almost as frequently as made, this was a landmark decision and a vital step in laying the foundation of trust in establishing the public/private partnership for funding the future improvements to this vitally important infrastructure project.
There will be no increase in your taxes as a result of this agreement, until the homeowners/residents of Waterways 1 (Mandalay) vote to approve a new assessment district or funding mechanism.
That same night the City Council also approved funding from a grant for a geotechnical study to gather information required to determine the best strategy for seismic resilient solutions for the future repairs/replacements. THANK YOU OXNARD PUBLIC WORKS!
The two videos below are from the October 2020City Council meeting – they are in fact the same video just two different start times.
The first is the Public Works Presentation and the second starts just after that with The HOA history presentation.
We have received great feedback from homeowners whose pilasters have been worked on during the 2020 Pilaster Repair Project that is nearly complete..
- Why is my pilaster not being worked on?
- Who decided which pilasters got fixed?
- When will my pilaster be worked on?
- What the heck is a pilaster?
The determination of the prioritization of pilaster repairs was determined by engineers who monitored more that simply the visual appearance of the condition of the concrete. The City and the engineers are well aware there are more to do that are within the scope what is being completed within this particular project.
When a project is approved by the engineers it requires permits by the Army Corp of Engineers and the California Coastal Commission. The permits for this project were obtained in Feb 2018. So in addition to funding there is a lot of planning that goes into determining which repairs are done and when.
A pilaster is a rectangular, vertical wall protrusion that resembles a flat column that sticks out from the seawall. They are not on all of our seawalls – only the Boise walls have Pilasters in Mandalay.
[See History of Seawalls]
We are working with the City in an ongoing project to revitalize the “barrier” area landscaping between Harbor Blvd. and little Harbor, to include new trees (over 50 planted so far!) new shrubs, and a complete reworking of the entrances to Mandalay Bay.
As with all City projects, and with an all-volunteer CIWHA landscaping committee, this will take time, but we are very encouraged by the progress made so far, and excited about the future plans for our community.
Channel Islands Harbor Visioning
The Ventura County Harbor Department has hired Sargent Town Planning to facilitate a “Vision Steering Committee” and has published a Survey to gather input.
As a neighborhood stakeholder CIWHA has been asked to encourage residents to participate in the survey.
The Survey is located at the links below and will only be available for a limited time.
Take the Survey:
Note: There are some open comment sections within the survey where you can provide additional comments, however should you find the questions lacking detail or if want to provide additional thoughts or concerns please leave comments on our website or reply to this email and we will submit them.
The 50/50 Split – Oxnard Agrees to 50/50 split on ALL seawall repair and maintenance!
50/50 Split passed 7-0
OCTOBER 5 2020
SUBJECT: Resolution to Affirm City Commitment to Seawall Funding.
RECOMMENDATION: That City Council adopt a resolution affirming the City of Oxnard’s commitment to share the repair/replacement costs associated with the Mandalay Bay seawalls in the amount of 50% of the total repair/replacement costs with the funding mechanism to be determined at a later date.
Approved by City Council 7-0
Coverage of the 50/50 Split
Article on Citizens Journal
By George Miller
After 20 years of little action by the city except stopgap repairs and studies, the current Oxnard City Council voted unanimously on 10-6-20 to agree to fund half of the estimated $200 million to renovate the Channel Islands Harbor Mandalay Bay neighborhood seawalls, for up to a 75 year additional life. The walls were built in the early 1970’s and are insufficiently resistant to the saline environment, earthquakes and are well past their useful life. This would be done over a period of many years.
45 years ago in August – Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners appearing at City Council
8/26/1975 “Residents appeared to address concerns regarding algae vacuuming, naming of Waterways and whether or not homeowners should bear full cost of Waterways Maintenance.”
The historical records have been preserved and passed on over the years through volunteers with the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association (CIWHA).
Current HOA President Bill Clark shows up in historical documents with great regularity and his calm demeanor is and always has been an anchor in the extreme tidal fluctuations of City staff and local politics. I will forget many and want to apologies in advance for missing some steady participants!
From the past…
We owe a debt of gratitude to the hard work of many over the years
Members of the CIWHA board and Seawall Team
Virgil Lockhart (Massive historical documentation archives)
Robert Freeland (Rocket Scientist & Past CIWHA President
Patty McInnes
Evelina Bartoline Arglen
Trevor Smith (Water Quality)
Frank Everts
George Arglen
Lillian Elswick (early secretary of CIWHA who never threw away a piece of paper)
Lauraine Bradish
From the past and still active
William Scarpino (Past HOA President and longtime member of the Seawall Team)
Jim Cowell
Chuck Carter (Water Quality)
Current members of the board who have been around for years like Tom Shideler, Matthew Steinorth and Keith Beckwith who document, volunteer and jump in whenever and wherever needed and kept the membership active and new members of the board Mike Hass and Alison Gabel have been doggedly making sure work on landscaping is not lost in the mix!
In the past few years we have had new volunteers form a Communications Team that in addition to facilitating communications has reviewed and brought much needed organization to past documents – not just on seawalls but landscaping and water quality as well which all blend into waterways 1
The Communications Team:
Carol Taylor
Connie Heagy
Pat Younis
Alison Gabel
Judy Havas
We also want to thank our District Councilman Bert Perello and the City Manager Alex Nguyen for prioritizing this and Public Works Rosemarie Gaglione and Jeri Cooper and Omar Ortiz for pushing ahead with what can be done in the as is state of our budget. And Mayor Flynn and City Council for hearing us and voting unanimously to approve!
Oxnard Public Works & Transportation
Committee Meeting July 28 2020
Public Works & Transportation approves amended resolution for seawall funding
Oxnard– The Public Works & Transportation Committee, July 28, approved an amended resolution for seawall funding in Mandalay Bay and committed to 50 percent funding unanimously.
The committee also directed the city staff to work with Mandalay Bay and iron out all the details of the funding mechanism.
The original resolution committed the city to share 50 percent of the cost if the Mandalay community forms a community facilities district (CFD) to satisfy its obligations for the other 50 percent.
Oxnard moves closer to seawall agreement with Mandalay Bay residents

2020 Pilaster Repair Project UPDATES
UPDATE : The Seawall Pilaster Repair Project
August 31st 2020
Pilaster-Repair-Schedule Project-Upadate-8.31.20. This notice posted 8/31/2020
SCHEDULE UPDATE (Updated 8/31/2020)
Due to a concrete shortage there are some delays!
a. Seawalls- Pilaster Jacket Repairs at Mandalay Bay
i. Group 1A (2044, 2034, & 2024 Peninsula Rd)
1. Punch list items/Closeout scheduled for the week of 8/31
ii. Group 1B (2024 & 2014 Peninsula Rd)
1. Punch list items/Closeout scheduled for the week of 8/31
iii. Group 2A (2000 Peninsula Rd, 4050 W Hemlock St)
1. Remove formwork 8/31 and Punch list items/Closeout scheduled for the week of 8/31.
iv. Group 2B (4050 & 4040 W Hemlock St)
1. Remove formwork 8/31 and Punch list items/Closeout scheduled for the week of 8/31.
. Group 3A ( 2101, 2111, & 2131 S Victoria St)
1. Currently in the demolition phase.
2. Due to concrete supply shortage concrete poured has been scheduled for 9/8.
vi. Private Platforms
1. Pending proposal for platforms.
vii. The contract completion date is 9/18/20.
The contractor’s updated schedule reflects a completion date of 10/16/20.
GROUP 3 (see date changes above)
Concrete Drilling/Demo Group 3 – 4 days
Dive Work UW Delay 3 days
Form/Rebar Group 3A 2 days
Concrete Pour Group 3A 1 day
Form/Rebar Group 3B 3 days
Concrete Pour Group 3B 1 day
Dive Work UW Delay 5 days
GROUP 4 (see date changes above)
Concrete Drilling/Demo Group 4 4 days
Form/Rebar Group 4A 2 days
Concrete Pour Group 4A 1 day
Form/Rebar Group 4B 4 days
Concrete Pour Group 4B 1 day
Dive Work UW Delay 3 days
Group 5 (see date changes above)
Concrete Drilling/Demo Group 5 3 days
Form/Rebar Group 5 2 days
Concrete Pour Group 5 1 day
Concrete Drilling/Demo Group 6 2 days
Group 6 (see date changes above)
Form/Rebar Group 6 4 days
Concrete Pour Group 6 1 day
Group 7 (see date changes above)
Concrete Drilling/Demo Group 7 1 day
Form/Rebar Group 7 4 days
Concrete Pour Group 7 1 day
Dive Work UW Delay 2 days
Group 8 (see date changes above)
Concrete Drilling/Demo Group 8 2 days
Form/Rebar Group 8 5 days
Concrete Pour Group 8 1 day
Group 9 (see date changes above)
Concrete Drilling/Demo Group 9 2 days
Form/Rebar Group 9 5 days
Concrete Pour Group 9 1 day
Final Inspection 1 day
Demobilize 2 days
Final Completion 0 days
9 Contract Close Out Submittals 1 day
Most current schedule is posted above
Work schedule 7 am to 5 pm
Monday – Friday.
It is important for homeowners with addresses listed to respond with the Acknowledgement FORM: Home-Owner-Notification-Oxnard-Pilaster-Repair-29-Apr-20!
PLEASE email your name, address and (if applicable) acknowledgment that your property has a boat/vessel and that you will be relocating it for the repairs, along with page 3 of the Acknowledgement Form to
Homeowners of properties have been sent an acknowledgement form and they must respond for work to proceed!
If you did not receive the information and your address is listed here please download the document!
The document contains contact information, tentative schedules and work groups, plus acknowledgement form and contact information.
PLEASE email your name, address and (if applicable) acknowledging that your property has a boat/vessel and that you will be relocating it for the repairs, along with page 3 of the document to
To all residents: The contractor will have a staging area at the corner of Hemlock and Peninsula.
Sub-018 Staging Yard Location and Layout
You will see people in the water at various locations, however please be good neighbors and report suspicious activity!
All Project Groups - addresses and tentative dates
Need boats relocated and we intend to begin moving equipment to your dock(s) next Thursday 16 July 2020.
Changes in our methods will most likely speed up the schedule initially provided so I will give you an update on our anticipated completion later next week.
Thank you,
Greg J. Buchanan
Harbour Constructors Co
Comtech Manufacturing Inc.
17892 Jamestown Lane
Huntington Beach CA 92647
Ph. 714.822.5214
Group 1
- 2044 Peninsula Road
- 2034 Peninsula Road
- 2024 Peninsula Road
- 2014 Peninsula Road
Need boats relocated and we intend to begin moving equipment to your dock(s) Thursday 16 July 2020.
- 2000 Peninsula Road
- 4050 West Hemlock Street
- 4040 West Hemlock Street
Please note: These dates are subject to change!
- 21 01 Victoria Ave
- 2111 Victoria Ave
- 2121 Victoria Ave
- 2131 Victoria Ave
- 2121 Ravoli Drive
- 2131 Ravoli Drive
- 2301 Victoria Ave
- 2305 Victoria Ave
- 2311 Victoria Ave
- 2341 Victoria Ave
- 2351 Victoria Ave
- 2321 Monaco Drive
- 2341 Monaco Drive
- 4015 Ischia Drive
- 4045 Ischia Drive
- 4016 Nice Court
- 401 0 Nice Court
- 4000 Nice Court
- 2501 Victoria Ave
- 2511 Victoria Ave
- 2521 Victoria Ave
Additional inspection needed on these locations before work will begin:
The following addresses require a closer look and there will be a waterside inspection soon.
Don’t be alarmed if you see them – say Hi and welcome them!
Visual Inspection of addresses with different pilasters
- 2121 Victoria Ave
- 2111 Victoria Ave
- 2311 Victoria Ave
- 2305 Victoria Ave
- 2521 Victoria Ave
- 2511 Victoria Ave
- 2121 Ravoli Drive
- 2131 Ravoli Drive
- 4015 Ischia Drive
- 4045 Ischia Drive
- 2014 Peninsula Rd
Boat Relocations and Project Groups
Please note the contractor will not mobilize in a Group, i.e. Groups 1 through 9, if contractor has not received permission from all homeowners involved.
See Complete (tentative) Schedule in the attached notification.
Furthermore, all homeowners confirming that they will be relocating their boat/vessel, the contractor will contact them seven (7) days before work will begin at their property to the phone or email provided.

NOTE: If your address is not on the list and you have dock space for a temporary relocation of a boat for an address that is on the list see the form below!
FAQ: What about repairs at other addresses not on this list?
A: The schedule for projects are based on engineering reports and grouped by priorities and cost effectiveness as well as funds available. The repairs on this list are not inclusive of all known issues.
This project is important to extend the life of the seawalls – please contact your neighbors at these addresses if they are not full time residents!
A volunteer homeowner has provided a sample wharfage agreement that can be used between Boat and Dock owners.
We are including both a work and pdf version:
WORD: 05-27-2020_Temporary_Wharfage_Agreement
Use the form below if you need to
relocate your boat for this project
or if you have dock space someone on the list could use.
Dock Relocation Form
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