May 18, 2020 | Communications, In The Know, News, Seawall Update, timeline
UPDATE : The Seawall Pilaster Repair Project August 31st 2020 Pilaster-Repair-Schedule Project-Upadate-8.31.20. This notice posted 8/31/2020 SCHEDULE UPDATE (Updated 8/31/2020) Due to a concrete shortage there are some delays! Cement-Shortage-1 Cement Allocation...
May 7, 2019 | City Council Meetings, Comments from Residents, News, Seawall Update, timeline
Speaking up! CIWHA homeowners in Mandalay continue to request repairs be scheduled. May 7, 2019 OXNARD CITY COUNCIL Homeowners spoke on 3 itemsYou can watch the meeting under Available Archives – to Closed session at...
May 2, 2019 | Communications, Maintenance, Seawall Team Notes, Seawall Update, timeline
Between budget Crisis (one after another) and turnover in Oxnard City Government and Offices some problems are growing exponentially without resolution. With all the really huge problems facing Oxnard you may think this seawall issue is less unimportant than others....
Nov 27, 2018 | City Council Meetings, News, Seawall Update, timeline
Thank you to homeowner Thomas Peterson for speaking up and going the extra mile to be heard! The regular City Council meeting have an agenda item for people to speak on “Items Not on the Agenda” Local resident raises concerns about Ischia Drive pilaster...
Nov 8, 2018 | City Council Meetings, Maintenance, News, Seawall Update, timeline
May 29 2019There will be a Water Quality Update at the neighborhood Council meeting on May 30 at PCYC. UPDATE: 11/29/18 Good Morning. The current storm has triggered our second nutrient sampling event. Our consultants are out on the water today taking samples. This is...
Jun 24, 2018 | Seawall Update, timeline
June 2018The person who was supposed to be taking the lead on the seawalls quit. Special Districts Division transferred to Public...