ReBid on Kingsbridge Way Project

The project plans have been revised to propose more flexibility in hopes of attracting a bid. The following can be found (as of 7/24/14) Project...

Seawall Committee Meeting – 05/02/2014

  UPDATE TO THIS POST Procurment_Schedule_PW14-03R- Kingsbridge_Seawall_Stabalization_Project 5-28-14   The Meeting opened with Ray presenting the yellow permit pending to post. The Coastal commission has given approval – this is the last permit...

Seawall Committee Meeting -04/04/2014

 Update on Kingsbridge Project Revised Bid Request It was pretty much agreed that a better price may be available along with a wider choice of competitive bids if additional projects could be grouped into a package. NEW TIMELINE? Update on Hemlock Research and Test...