Feb 22, 2021 | Communications, In The Know
We’re a Little Different If you own property in Mandalay you are a member of the the Channel Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association. The Channels Islands Waterfront Homeowners Association (CIWHA) is lead by an All-Volunteer Board of Directors and Committee Members,...
Dec 6, 2020 | In The Know, Seawall Update
What’s Happened & What’s Coming! December 12, 2020 – The Toy and Food Drive at the Harbor was a HUGE success! Thank you to all who donated and volunteered! The Toy and Food Drive was a tremendous success! Record Number of Items Collected at...
Oct 17, 2020 | In The Know
50/50 Approved in 2020 October 6, 2020 The Oxnard City Council voted unanimously to support city funding for seawall repairs/maintenance. This resolution commits the city to pay half of all Seawall Repair and Maintenance costs. After years of verbal commitments...
Oct 3, 2020 | City Council Meetings, In The Know, Seawall Update
50/50 Split passed 7-0 The Oxnard City Council voted 7-0 (10/6/2020) to approve a resolution that will affirm the City’s commitment to divide the costs of repair and replacement of our seawalls evenly between the City and the Homeowners. The board of our...
May 18, 2020 | Communications, In The Know, News, Seawall Update, timeline
UPDATE : The Seawall Pilaster Repair Project August 31st 2020 Pilaster-Repair-Schedule Project-Upadate-8.31.20. This notice posted 8/31/2020 SCHEDULE UPDATE (Updated 8/31/2020) Due to a concrete shortage there are some delays! Cement-Shortage-1 Cement Allocation...