The CIWHA Communications Team has been busy pulling together resources!
The resources on this page will be updated as information becomes may leave comments on this page if you have additional resources you think would useful, or that you would like to see here! Your comments will be reviewed and not made public – please include you phone number in case we need to contact you.
Boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7
For any boat related urgent matters in the harbor, 24/7, please use the Police Department Dispatch line 1-805-385- 7740 or Fire 1-805-385-7722 (both of those numbers are on the City’s website in the “Departments” section).
During business hours please call Code Compliance, 1-805-385-7940 x9. Please note that the Code Compliance line is not monitored after hours.
Also See:
Homeless Activity
We are in proximity to the Casa Serena encampment, the dunes and Edison Canal encampment and the Power Plant encampment.
Theft crime and break ins have increased. We are also concerned about fire and water pollution.
We were referred to:
Jessica Petrillo – Homeless Assistance 805-385-8044 office
805-889-2493 cell
We also spoke with Officer Kohr, who requested we contact him or Oxnard PD
If we see any suspicious activity contact
Non-emergency Dispatch
In the event of an emergency call 911
Pools and Spas
In a recent seawall inspection with the City Engineer, we mentioned the existence of a permitted in-ground pool in the neighborhood. We asked if the permitting of in-ground pools or spas contained any enhance engineering requirements to mitigate any infringement on the integrity of seawalls.
We were referred to Vytautas “Vyto” Adomaitis Director
Community Development Department
214 S C Street | Oxnard, CA 93030 O: tel:1-805-385-7882 | F: 805-385-7417
His response:
Building & Engineering verifies that pools adjoining waterways in the Channel Islands Harbor area are not imposing additional loading on, or otherwise affecting the integrity of the seawalls. We also verify that the presence of the constructed pool will not infringe on any maintenance easements owned by the City. There are different designs for the seawalls among the different housing tracts in this area that affect the ability of a pool to be permitted.
In the older tracts (Mandalay), pools may not be possible due to the location of seawall maintenance easements, while in Seabridge or Westport there are locations where a pool could be allowed.
For any additional questions regarding in ground pools and associated engineering requirements, please contact Asst. Director/Building Official, Jeff Pengilley, at 805-385- 8208.
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
We requested confirmation on the City’s position on ADUs as there appears to be some disparity between State and Coastal Commission positions.
We were referred to Vytautas “Vyto” Adomaitis Director
Community Development Department
214 S C Street | Oxnard, CA 93030 O: 805-385-7882 | F: 805-385-7417
His response:
Within the City of Oxnard, Accessory Dwelling Units are not currently allowed in the Coastal Zone.
In addition, we met with Coastal Commission staff in August 2020, and we discussed the recent changes in state law which generally allows ADUs in residential zones except within the Coastal Zone. The CCC staff encouraged us, and other coastal cities, to allow ADUs within the Coastal Zone. CCC staff suggested that we look at Santa Cruz’s ADU Coastal regulations which provide ADU restrictions / reasons for denial based on lack of parking. As part of the Housing Element, City staff did not propose and City Council did not provide direction to amend our LCP to allow ADUs in the Coastal Zone. For any additional questions regarding ADUs, please contact Planning Manager, Scott Kolwitz, at 805-385-3919.
Street Sweeping Contract Controversy Oxnard
I hope this helps neighbors and residents understand the background!
I also hope this helps residents appreciate the responsive nature of Oxnard City Government and Staff!
If you have questions contact your Council Person:
Explore the new website for the CITY for additional contacts:
It is better to ask questions, before forming opinions.
A thread on NEXTDOOR had a link to an article that sparked concern and outgrage:
“Oxnard City Officials Accused of Mismanagement in Sweeper Pay
August 14, 2024|Oxnard, Solid Waste, Street Sweeper, Toland Road Landfill”
After reading that on Sunday, Sept. 29th and the concerns of neighbors, I sent an email to the City requesting clarification:
Hi,Writing to get some clarification on this item.There is a lot of backlash on Nextdoor.—–Debbie MitchellÂ
I received the following response on October 1 (at 6:55 am) :
Hello Debbie,ÂHere is some additional info that may help with the clarification you are looking for:
- The City contracts out street sweeping; there are no City staff members that perform street sweeping work
- The City incorrectly referenced an assembly bill in our April 23, 2024 City Council staff report for the street sweeping contract
- However, the State Department of Industrial Relation (DIR) has an official determination that includes paying street sweeping services at prevailing wage (attached 2020-005 Elk Grove)
- In September 2023 City staff exchanged emails with DIR staff that include applicability of the Elk Grove determination to Oxnard; DIR staff provided info on applicability
- The City has taken the position that the DIR determination applies to the type of street sweeping performed for the City by the contractor
- The City’s bid package required contractors to pay prevailing wage for street sweeping services in accordance with the DIR determination
- The VCTA believes that the City is not bound to the DIR determination (meaning, it’s voluntary to follow per their understanding); the City disagrees
- The City has requested the DIR to provide an official determination by the DIR director on applicability of their prevailing wage determination for Oxnard
- The DIR could take up to 12-18 months to provide said official determination
Michael WolfeMichael L. Wolfe, P.E. – Director of Public Works
Public Works Department
305 West Third Street, East Wing, Third Floor
Oxnard, California  93030
Attached (pdf) is the determination letter from the State of California that the City received dated October 4th, 2021re: “the Director of Industrial Relations regarding coverage of the above referenced project under California’s prevailing wage laws..” :
[CLICK FOR PDF: PW-2020-005]
I also received the following reply to the above information offering a bit more information from Brian Yanez:
Tuesday, October 01, 2024 9:33 AM
Hello Debbie,
I hope you are well. I wanted to share this additional information with Michael Wolfe’s email he sent you. I emailed the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) in September 2023, requesting confirmation that contracted street sweeping services through a contract or franchise agreement require prevailing wages for Power Sweeper Operators. The DIR responded with the following email on September 29, 2023 (attached):The City does both #1 & #4 through a contractor. As Michael stated in his response, we are still waiting for an official determination from the DIR. Have a great day.
Brian J. Yanez – Assistant Public Works Director
Public Works Department, AdministrationÂ
305 West Third Street, East Wing, Third Floor
Oxnard, California  93030
O:Â 805.200.5412

Tell us what you think!
Help us help you!
- Report issues and concerns!
- Provide your contact information – we will not post that but will use it to follow up with you!
- Tell us what is on your mind and the kind of news you are most interested in hearing about.
When you add comments to this page they WILL NOT go live automatically – because this page would fill up with spam in moments.
Please tell us in your comment if you want your comment to be private or public.
NOTE: When reporting a problem please include contact information and as much detail as possible, we will remove your contact details from the post, but having your information allows us to follow up!
*** SPRING 2024 HOT TOPIC ***
Questions and concerns regarding dredging
PLEASE post your channel location and observations.
If possible post CENTER channel depth at low tide!
Please be aware that the slopes at the seawalls are intentional silt curtains to protect the support footings. USE CAUTION TO NOT DISTURB THEM DURING LOW TIDES!
We will be sending information on Seawall Repairs and Funding status for Dredging and information requested on this page as responses and reports are returned from the teams on inquiries.
PLEASE NOTE: The HOA board members and team members are ALL Volunteers.

We also recommend reporting to the city using the 311application.
We have specific instructions for reporting issues in our Special District here:
Please report issues by using the form below – if it is an URGENT matter please send details to us using the contact form – please provide a phone number and details so we can contact you. Please take pictures to send to when we contact you!

Harbor Water Quality | Public Comments Due August 18, 2023 to Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Board
What this is about…
On September 28, 2023, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (Los Angeles Water Board) will consider proposed General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Agricultural Lands within the Los Angeles Region (General WDRs).
The proposed General WDRs can be found on the Los Angeles Water Board’s website at: Waivers of Waste Discharge Requirements | Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (
The Marine Advisory Committee (MAC) from Channel Islands Neighborhood Council (CINC) requests resident participation in the form of public comments to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Comments must be received by the Los Angeles Water Board no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 18, 2023.
Comments should be submitted to Anna Bellini at
What’s the problem?
The water quality has been degraded in Mandalay Bay and Channel Islands harbor since 2018, when the NRG Power Plant closed.  The power plant pumped on average 1.5 billion gallons per month from Edison Canal into the ocean. That circulation flushed contaminants out the north end of the canal. NRG blocked the north end in 2018 and now contaminants travel 4.5 miles to the ocean at the harbor entrance.
 Problems with the Draft
- The proposed WDR lacks definition of contributor responsibilities.
- The proposed WDR lacks compelling incentives or penalties for non-compliance
- The proposed WDR plan has conflicting statements
- The proposed WDR plan has missing/incomplete information
The MAC team has been spearheading the outreach to agencies that can identify and address all stakeholder involvement. We need all contributors to participate in solving the problem. The California Water Board
How to make public comments by email
Please send an email by 5:00 pm on August 18. 2023
You can copy and paste from the sample email below in the next expandable section.
Please remember to add your name and city at the end.
You can also attach the document named Exhibit 1 that has been submitted by the MAC team.
Exhibit 1 details concerns with the information in the draft and staff report.
If including Exhibit 1 please note that in your email.
LA Regional Water Quality Control Board_MAC-Comment_Exhibit1
MAC Team Sample Email
LA Regional Water Quality Control Board Public Comment due by 5:00 pm on August 18. 2023
August 15, 2023
Subject: Public Comment for Waste Discharge Requirement R4-2023-xxxx for discharges from Irrigated Agricultural Lands
Thank you for this opportunity to provide Public Comments on the proposed WDR for Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Agricultural Lands. We agree with the requirements of the Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MRP) to:
• assess the impacts of waste discharges from irrigated agricultural lands on waters of the state,
• evaluate the effectiveness of management practices to control waste discharges,
• track progress in reducing the amount of waste discharged to waters of the state to improve water quality and protect beneficial uses, and
• assess compliance with water quality limitations, where applicable.
Farmers and ranchers that pollute must be accountable for verifying that they are achieving water quality standards to protect the environment and public health.
This accountability is essential to incentivize growers to make the investments that are needed to implement effective BMPs (Best Management Practices) ensuring water quality targets are achieved.
Since NRG blocked the north end of Edison Canal in 2018 contaminants must travel 4.5 miles by thousands of homes to the ocean at the harbor entrance. Harbor water quality has been degraded.
Farmers and ranchers must be contributors to the remediation solutions for Oxnard Coastal and Channel Islands Harbor Subwatershed Responsibility Areas.
The WDR needs to provide compelling incentives or consequences for achieving compliance with water quality limitations, where applicable.
We look forward to collaborating with the Regional Board and VCAILG as this WDR process moves forward. These elements are essential to protect the Region’s valuable water resources.
Thank you for your consideration.
Your name
Address (optional)
Oxnard, CA 93035
Exhibit 1 – Concerns about information in the R4-2023_WDR.
If you would like to read or attach Exhibit 1 from the Mac team response you can download the pdf:
LA Regional Water Quality Control Board_MAC-Comment_Exhibit1
On September 28, 2023, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (Los Angeles Water Board) will consider proposed General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Agricultural Lands within the Los Angeles Region (General WDRs).
The proposed General WDRs can be found on the Los Angeles Water Board’s website at: Waivers of Waste Discharge Requirements | Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (
A public hearing is scheduled for:
Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 9:00 AM
Location to be determined
The Los Angeles Water Board is expected to act on the proposed Order after hearing staff’s presentation and public comments. Written comments and evidence must be received by the Los Angeles Water Board no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 18, 2023. Failure to comply with these requirements is grounds for the Board to refuse to admit the proposed written comment or evidence into the record (California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 648.4). Comments should be submitted to Anna Bellini at
The Los Angeles Regional Board has jurisdiction over all coastal drainages flowing to the Pacific Ocean between Rincon Point (on the coast in western Ventura County) and the eastern Los Angeles County line, as well as the drainages of five coastal islands (Anacapa, San Nicolas, Santa Barbara, Santa Catalina, and San Clemente). The Regional Board’s jurisdiction also includes all coastal waters within three miles of the continental and island coastlines.

Summer Update – July 2023
Hope you had a wonderful
4th of July!Â
It is wonderful to see so many people out and about in actual sunshine!
The 4th of July activities and fireworks in the Harbor were spectacular!
Thursday July 27, 2023
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club
2600 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard, CA 93035
If you are new to the neighborhood – the Channel Islands Neighborhood Council encompasses all residential developments in the harbor north of Channel Islands Blvd.
These meetings are packed with Harbor updates and information!
Oxnard capital improvement projects
at a standstill
In December of 2022, Aaron Starr and his political corporation Moving Oxnard Forward Inc. filed a complaint in Ventura County Superior Court to invalidate lease revenue bond approvals.
What does that mean?
Major capital improvement projects are typically funded through lease revenue bonds which allow the costs to be spread over a number of years, much like the mortgage on your home. Not having the ability to issue revenue bonds would require such projects to be paid in cash.Â
Why does that matter to property owners in Mandalay?
The City has agreed to pay 50% of the costs of seawalls as voted by the City Council in 2021. The remaining 50% would be paid by the homeowners if a majority vote to approve such a project was received by the residents. Without the ability to issue revenue bonds, it would be most unlikely that the City and homeowners would be able to take on the cost of the project.
The City Attorney stated it will likely take more than two years to resolve the litigation because of risk aversion in the bond market.Â
An article in the Tri County Sentry provides more detail
There is also an informative YouTube available:
What’s the impact of Aaron Starr’s bond lawsuit against the city?
Assistant City Manager Ashley Golden talks about the impacts of the current bond lawsuit against the city:
Fun In The Harbor
Concerts by the Sea continue!
The free summer concert series began July 8th through September 2nd.
The Saturday concerts are from 4 to 6 PM at Harbor View Park, 3600 Harbor Blvd. in the Channel Islands Harbor. Bring your family, friends and neighbors and share a great local experience!
This summer’s line up
- July 15: Dive Bar Messiahs (Dance Music)
- July 22: Psychedelic Summer (Woodstock Era Tribute Band)
- July 29: Nautical Thrust (Yacht Rock)
- Aug 5: Ray Jaurique and the Uptown Brothers (R&B, Soul, Blues)
- Aug 12: Soul Machine (Old School R&B)
- Aug 19: Los Cool Arrows (Reggae, Cumbia)
- Aug 26: Ignition Band (Classic Rock)
- Sept 2: Brandon Ragan Project (Funk)
More information:

Talk to your neighbors – get them to sign up for updates!

Landscape Update – summer 2023
Update from the Landscape Team
The Landscape Team volunteers have been working with the city to make sure the areas of greenery go back to green.
Many greenbelts have been reported dry. The sprinklers have been turned off due to needed repairs. We hope those will be completed soon!
Other greenbelts have already had the sprinklers repaired and are back functioning!
We thank the Landscape team for the image below which shows the Scope and Schedule of Services for 2023.
How You Can Help
We invite you to send comments, notes and images regarding Landscape issues in Mandalay Bay to the Landscape Team – in addition to using the 311 app.
Please include:
- A location address – or description.
- Your name and contact information.
- Description of problem.
- Photos
- Also let us know if you reported on 311!
[CLICK HERE FOR 311 TIPS and TRICKS for use in our area!]
You must select Special District first
Report a Problem
GET THE APP Click for download page Oxnard 311 helps you stay connected to your City. With Oxnard 311, you can submit a service request – fix a pothole, replace a sign, report graffiti, and more. Your request is instantly routed to the right person in the right department at City Hall. This means your request is responded to quickly and you’ll be notified as soon as the service is complete. Oxnard 311 is also a great way to get City news and emergency notifications.

Please note- this page is ONLY applicable to WATERWAYS 1

May Updates 2023
Hands Across the Water for Safety
Our neighborhood is quite unique and that’s what we love about it. Unlike most neighborhoods, we tend to see neighborhood activity from the back of our homes instead of the front. While enjoying our decks and docks we have visible access to anything that may not appear to be normal activity. This is the perfect opportunity to take the time to meet your neighbors across the channel and around your home to share contact information in case of an emergency . If you see something that doesn’t seem quite right or normal, take a minute and reach out to your neighbor across the way or next door and let them know. You could end up saving them from significant loss or even save them from a life threatening health incident.
You’ve seen it happen.We have heavy winds and someone’s boat comes untied or paddle boards or kayaks end up floating away.A possible intruder may be on the deck or dock Someone takes a fall, either on the dock or in the water and needs assistance.
Know your neighbors! Let’s help each other and be Good Neighbors!
Upcoming Event – Clean up Day
The City of Oxnard is sponsoring a free
Neighborhood Bulky Item Drop-off – aka Clean up day !
May 20, 2023
8 AM to 2 PM
Oxnard Beach Park
1601 Harbor Blvd.
You’ll be required to show ID to verify you are from our neighborhood when making the drop off, so please bring some form of resident verification.
If you have any questions about the neighborhood drop-off days please contact (805) 200-5746
Sally Brownlow is hosting a FOODSHARE drop off at her home in Mandalay on July 1st. Â from 9 am – Â 2pm
at 2144 Jamestown Way
You can also drop of at Channel Islands Yacht Club or Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club a few days before.
Happening In The Harbor
KARLS ERN for Fisherman’s WharfÂ
On April 25, 2023 the Ventura County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request for an Exclusive Right to Negotiate for the Karls Group. This means that Karls will now be creating specific plans and details for the upcoming project. You can be sure there will be outreach to the community to share their exciting ideas to bring Fisherman’s Wharf back to life!
While the redevelopment of the Fisherman’s Wharf parcel is in the early stages, the property that was home to the Casa Sirena Hotel and Lobster Trap Restaurant is further along.
New rocks are being placed on the east end of the Harbor’s peninsula as part of an effort to replace the revetment. It appears that the west side of the peninsula on the main channel is mostly complete. The east end of the peninsula is also close to being finished. The Harbor Department expects the revetment project to be finished by the end of the month, weather permitting, and construction on a new waterfront hotel, a Hyatt House, to begin shortly thereafter.
Whale’s Tail: Zilli and Carron (JZAC) Get A 6-Month ERN Extension For Whale’s Tail
On April 11th, JZAC, received a 6-month extension to complete their initial analysis phase for their proposed renovation of the Whale’s Tail parcel. During this period they will also work with the Harbor Department to finalize a long-term lease agreement for a maximum of 30 years. The ERN also includes a timetable of required items that must be completed by JZAC. The ERN goes until about mid-October 2023.
Farmers Market – Sundays 10am-2pm
If you haven’t been or if it’s been a while, take the time to enjoy one of the best farmers market around!
You’ll love the energy and smiling faces. Bring your friends and family. Have a great lunch. We’re so fortunate to be able to purchase the wonderful fresh produce and wears from local growers and vendors. Organic Produce, fresh fish, baked goods, flowers, crafts, jewelry, music and much more is just a walk away!
Talk to your neighbors – get them to sign up for updates!

April Updates 2023
Oxnard PD – our Beat 21 Cop, No Wake Zone and Whale Watching!Â
Happy April!
Make it safe, keep it safe and have fun!
Have you met our Beat Cop ?
They are here to help!
Oxnard is divided into four policing districts: North, South, East, and West. Two other smaller districts in the city include the RiverPark District and Central Business District.Â
Each district has 2-4 smaller areas in them known as “beats.”  Patrol officers are assigned to beats for six month periods at a time. Â
Each beat has a Corporal assigned to it on a full time basis, and their job is to coordinate and lead community policing and problem solving efforts in their district.Â
We are Beat Area 21
Our Beat Coordinator is Officer Enrique Alvarez 805-797-6655
See more at:
Boats Speeding in the Harbor
Our residents, as well as neighboring HOA residents have expressed concerns regarding boats speeding in the harbor. The wake from these boats can damage Boats, docks and seawalls, and is prohibited in all harbors.
Board members have reached out to the City regarding policing jurisdiction and the local Neighborhood Council has developed a Safety Committee who has reached out to the City, County, Coast Guard and Oxnard Police Department in an effort to attempt to initiate a recommendation to aid in mitigating the ongoing problem.
In the interim, a simple reminder to friends and neighbors asking for their joint effort in being mindful of the 5 MPH No Wake Zone may be of help.
You may have noticed 5MPH No Wake Zone signs posted in the main channel and at the entrance of off- chute channels.
PLEASE feel free to post similar signs on your dock or boat. As an example; various size signs are readily available through Amazon with competitive pricing and reasonable delivery times.
Or we made some you can print and hang in your boat window.
Click the image for pdf.
Property Improvements & Code Compliance
Homeowners have requested Code Compliance Information.
Click below for a collection of information and links.
It’s Whale Watching Season!
Don’t miss this extraordinary gift we have right here in our back yard ! So take your boat out, join friends or book a trip with a local vendor and experience the majesty of these amazing creatures ! One more reason why we love living here!
Island Packers:
Also see: Channel Islands Whale Watching:

Homeowner properties improvements and code compliance…
Resources for CIWHA Waterways 1 Properties –
Code Compliance handouts and links.
Many homeowners have questions about property improvements – what is and what is not allowed.
The unique features of waterfront dock homes afford us all unusual and wonderful access to the water.
The proximity visually and physically to our neighbors as well as the public can create challenges for security and privacy.
City Code Compliance
NOTE: Links below to and The Code Library may change without notice – we will do our best to refresh – but in the event a link does not work please look up Code Compliance atÂ
Likewise – pdfs provided here may not be the most current!
Oxnard Planning and Zone Search
You can find the zones for properties in Oxnard here:

Frequently Requested Documents
The following is the big list from the City of Oxnard.
When Single-Family Building Permits ARE Required For Single-Family Residential Only.
This is Not a complete list.
• Gazebos– Engineering details might be required. (Must meet with Planning height and setback
• Patio Covers– Required for any patio cover that are attached to a structure, as well as any patio
cover greater than 120 square feet. (Must meet with Planning height and setback standards)
• Room Additions
• Detached tool/ Storage Sheds and Playhouses –If the projected roof area is greater than 120
square feet, may not have regulated plumbing or mechanical equipment. (Must meet planning
height and setback standards.)
• Sunrooms and Patio Enclosures –If prefab must have test report from an approved testing
• Water Heater Replacement or Relocation
• Window Replacement/ Retrofits
• Re-Roof – Required for repairs over 40 square feet. Repairs extending past the roof covering,
(asphalt, shingles, clay or concrete tile, or approved metal roofing) into the required
underlayment, and or structural elements will require a permit.
• New/Replacement Drywall/Gypsum Board– If the projected work area is greater than 50 square feet, or if the work area is adjoining to a Fire-resistance- rated wall (typically adjoining units,garage walls) or shear assembly.
• Spas and Pools – All in-ground; electrical and plumbing permits require for all spas and pools
that require new electrical or gas lines.
• Retaining Walls – 3’ and higher (measured from bottom of footing) or lower walls supporting a
surcharge. (Note: retaining walls might require a grading permit. Inquire at Building and
Engineering for guidance.
• Block Walls– 3’ 6” and higher (measured from bottom of footing)
• Arbors- over 120 Square feet and 8’
• Electrical/ Mechanical/ Plumbing Fixture Replacement
• Decks over seawalls
• Siding/stucco
Wall or Fence Permit
The following information is required to apply for this permit:
- Plot plan required.
- Linear footage.
- Height and materials.
- Planning review required.
- Public Works review required to check for easements.
- If wall is shared between neighbors, homeowner authorization form is required.
Note: Walls and fences below 42” in height do not require a building permit, however, the planning department may have restrictions. Contact at (805)-385-7858
Residential Express Permits
Oxnard Building Safety & Engineering Services
The following documents are from the City Of Oxnard.
- Plate20608 Deck-Fence Construction Over or Near Bulkhead (seawall) Wall-1
- Plate20610 Parallel Dock Piling Locations-1
- Plate20611 Perpendicular Dock Piling Locations
- B254-B810 Patio Covers
- Minimum Requirements for Tenant Improvement Plans
Please call code compliance to determine that the documents here are most current!
Oxnard Building Safety & Engineering Services
For complete information:
Walk-up services available at the Building counter:
- Over the counter permits with no plan check needed such as:
- Re-roofs
- Water heater replacements
- Window change outs, same size and location
- Patio covers following the city handout
- Block wall permits
- Minor kitchen and bathroom remodels with no structural or layout changes
- Residential plumbing repairs
- Electrical panel replacements and upgrades on single-family residential dwelling units
- Residential EV charger installation
- New plan check submittals
- Plan check resubmittals
- All services requiring a plan check engineer will need an appointment or will be taken in for review.
Just In Time Permits
Solar Permit
The following information is required to apply for this permit:
- 3 sets
- Minimum size 11 x 17
- Contact Building Department to find out if structural engineering is required. (805) 385-7925
The following form(s) and application(s) are required to apply or this permit:
Re-Roof Permit
The following information is required to apply for this permit:
- Number of squares
- Proposed roofing material
- Size and weight of felt
- Pitch
- Size of plywood (clarify if ½ inch or OSB)
- Number of layers
The following form(s) and application(s) are required to apply or this permit:
Window Permit (New or Enlarge)
The following information is required to apply for this permit:
- Floor plan required.
- Planning review required.
- Square footage of all windows combined.
- Completed Windows Worksheet.
- Title 24 Energy Forms are not required at permit issuance, only at time of inspection.
The following form(s) and application(s) are required to apply or this permit:
Window Permit (Replacement)
The following information is required to apply for this permit:
- Floor plan required.
- Square footage of all windows combined.
- Completed Windows Worksheet.
- Title 24 Energy Forms are not required at permit issuance, only at time of inspection.
The following form(s) and application(s) are required to apply or this permit:
Wall or Fence Permit
The following information is required to apply for this permit:
- Plot plan required.
- Linear footage.
- Height and materials.
- Planning review required.
- Public Works review required to check for easements.
- If wall is shared between neighbors, homeowner authorization form is required.
Note: Walls and fences below 42” in height do not require a building permit, however, the planning department may have restrictions. Contact at (805)-385-7858
The following form(s) and application(s) are required to apply for this permit: